Free Yourself from Unrealistic Relationship Expectations: Keeping Love When You Find It

by Adeola Adeyeye
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How to deal with unrealistic relationship expectations

Relationships are a beautiful thing, but sometimes finding the right person can be a challenging experience. As a single person, there are some relationship expectations that may be keeping you single. While some of these expectations may be reasonable, others may be unreasonable and it’s essential to recognize the difference.


One of the most common relationship expectations that are keeping people single is the expectation of perfection. Many people believe that they must find the perfect partner, someone who is flawless and without any imperfections. While it is important to have high standards when looking for a partner, it is unrealistic to expect perfection. Everyone has flaws, and it’s important to recognize that. By accepting someone for who they are, flaws and all, you are more likely to find happiness in a relationship.

Instant chemistry

Another relationship expectation that is keeping people single is the expectation of instant chemistry. Many people believe that they should feel an immediate spark with their partner. While chemistry is important, it is not always instantaneous. Sometimes it takes time for feelings to develop, and it’s important to be patient and give the relationship time to grow.


Another expectation that is keeping people single is the expectation of constant excitement. Many people believe that a relationship should be full of constant thrills and excitement. While it is important to have fun and enjoy each other’s company, it’s also important to realize that a relationship can’t always be exciting. There will be dull moments, and it’s important to find joy in the everyday aspects of the relationship.

Financial stability

Additionally, another relationship expectation that is keeping people single is the expectation of financial stability. Many people believe that their partner should have a certain amount of money or a stable job before they can consider a relationship. While financial stability is important, it shouldn’t be the only factor considered when looking for a partner. It’s essential to focus on the person’s character, values, and compatibility.

Finding someone like you

Finally, the expectation of finding someone who is exactly like you is keeping people single. While it’s important to share common interests and values with your partner, it’s unrealistic to expect someone to be exactly like you. People are different, and it’s important to embrace those differences and find common ground.

In conclusion, many relationship expectations are keeping people single, and it’s important to recognize them. Perfection, instant chemistry, constant excitement, financial stability, and finding someone exactly like you are all expectations that can hinder a person’s ability to find love. By being realistic in your expectations and recognizing that relationships require compromise and patience, you are more likely to find the right person and build a successful, happy relationship.

1 comment

King AA April 9, 2023 - 2:36 pm

Beautiful piece, very practical and realistic.

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