How to be a Good Roommate

by Frederick Akinola
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Roommates spending time together

At some points in our lives, we’ve had to live with someone, a roommate. Some roommates are the best, whenever they’re not around you miss them; others are just terrible. So terrible it tickles your heart when they’re gone. What kind of roommate would you want to be? Oh, of course, you’ll say you want to be a good roommate. Let’s, first of all, look at some traits of a bad roommate:

Bad hygiene

No one wants to stay with a dirty person unless you’re also dirty.  If you don’t bathe or have good personal hygiene, your roommate won’t be comfortable. If you don’t wash your clothes and keep the house clean, it will also affect your roommate because dirty places attract disease. You’ll make him uncomfortable.  No one should be uncomfortable in their own house.


Some people like loud music. You need to know what kind of person you’re staying with. If the person’s like me and does not like noise, then you should be careful not to make yourself a nuisance by being too loud.  Don’t sing at the top of your voice and don’t invite lousy friends over.

Quiet and Antisocial

Being too quiet is also a problem. It’s as big a problem as being too loud. When you have a roommate, you have a partner, someone you spend time with, and can talk to.  When your roommate is too quiet, then it can become a burden for you, because you also have to be quiet, unless you’re talking on the phone. It could be awkward, those moments of silence.  Roommates should be a great source of support and make life around the house a little less stressful and a lot more fun.


An arrogant roommate is worse than every other thing put together. No one likes an arrogant person. It makes it so hard to co-exist. To live with someone, you have to be humble. Everything will not go your way. Sometimes you will also need help. You might fall ill, you might also need help. There is no need to be arrogant.

Qualities you need:
Know your boundaries

If you’ve already agreed to live with someone or are in a situation where your roommate is assigned, it’s a good idea to talk about personal needs and boundaries before they’ve been crossed. The important thing to keep in mind when talking about boundaries is that they need to work for both you and your roommate. One person might have an idea that would work very well but if the other isn’t on board, it won’t succeed in the long run. Play your part in sticking to boundaries. Because it can be so easy to misunderstand or forget what people say, many roommates now use written roommate agreements to write out their house rules. A written agreement is much harder to dispute than words someone said weeks or months in the past.

Have Realistic Expectations

Your roommate is a human being, a person of their own. They will surely have their idiosyncrasies. They will surely make mistakes. Your roommate might not be your best friend. Do not think you will both become besties because you stay together. If you want to share everything with the person you live with, consider getting married, or moving in with a romantic partner.

Don’t Borrow Anything without Permission

When you live with someone, it can be tempting to use some of their stuff without asking.  This can be considered stealing, which is terrible. Even if your roommate also uses things that belong to you, try to seek their permission even for the smallest things. That will show you you have respect for your roommate and their boundaries.

Resolve Problems Quickly

There is bound to be misunderstanding between two people who live together, no matter how careful and agreeable you think you are. When this does happen, ensure that you resolve issues quickly. Do not delay in apologizing if you are wrong. The longer it takes to resolve an issue, the harder it becomes.

Be Trustworthy

Being trustworthy and reliable are valuable qualities. No one wants to stay with someone they cannot depend on. It takes time to build trust. With every opportunity, show that you can be relied upon, and prove your honesty.

Truly, it can be hard to live with a sibling or family member, talk-less of a stranger you have to move in with as a roommate.  The trick is to take things easy and be very careful. After a few weeks, you’ll get used to your roommate, and you can be friends for life.

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