Home » To-do Lists

To-do Lists

by Monsurat Momoh

To-do lists are used to organize our daily activities, our thoughts and our lives in general. As much as everyone knows the importance of a to-do list, a lot of us refuse to create one. Why? You will have to be committed. It is easy to understand what commitment is but it can be hard to practice and stay committed. And this is probably why a lot of people avoid them.

Having goals and aspirations are key to finding fulfilment in life, imagine creating a planner to help you achieve those goals. Our work life can get overwhelming and as such, our lives, in general, can be disturbed.

Missing deadlines even when you have done your absolute best. Or better still, forgetting that you had something to do. These and many more can be controlled by creating to-do lists.

How to create a to-do list

  • Create a list of all the tasks you have to attend to. People have preferences and as such, you can choose to do it daily or weekly. Doing it weekly would require you to break it down into daily bits. Either way, you will be one step into achieving your goals.
  • Allocate priorities to the tasks: after the task of creating a list, you would then need to adjust importance. The first step requires you to write whatever thoughts or goals you need. Now, you will edit the list with a matter of importance. If a lot of tasks have the same priorities, just run through them again and adjust. You’re still going to do them, anyway.
  • Create your to-do list: after doing the first two steps, the main deal is already done. Giving your list whatever title you deem fit, create one. Usually, people use a “To-do list” but, you can be creative or add your touch to it.

You would then come to realize that by just creating a to-do list, how impossible is it to forget your tasks or not meet up with deadlines? Highly impossible.

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