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Dealing With The Parenting Paradox

How Parents May Be Responsible for Their Children's Misbehaviour and How to Correct Their Wrongs

by Adeola Adeyeye
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Parents play a critical role in shaping the behaviour and character of their children. While children are individuals with their own personalities and temperaments, parents can have a significant influence on their development. Because of this influence, it can be sometimes hard to decipher how much a child is influenced by the actions of their parents. The Parenting paradox in summary refers to how in trying to build up their kids, parents sometimes destroy them.

In some cases, a child’s misbehaviour can be traced back to their parent’s actions or lack of actions. This article explores how parents may be responsible for their children’s misbehaviour and how they can correct their wrongs.

Parenting Styles and Misbehaviour

Research has shown that parenting styles can have a significant impact on kids’ behaviour. There are four main parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful.

Authoritative parenting involves setting clear rules and boundaries while being responsive and supportive of the child’s needs. Authoritarian parenting involves strict rules and punishment without explanation. Permissive parenting involves being lenient and allowing the child to make their own decisions without consequences. Neglectful parenting involves a lack of attention and support.

Kids of authoritative parents tend to have better behaviour and social skills, while children of authoritarian and neglectful parents tend to have more behavioural problems. Permissive parenting can also lead to behavioural issues as kids may struggle with self-control and decision-making.

Parental Behaviour and Misbehaviour

Parents can also contribute to their children’s misbehaviour through their own actions. For example, if parents are aggressive or verbally abusive towards each other or their kids, the kids may learn that this is an acceptable way to communicate.

Similarly, if parents are inconsistent with discipline, children may become confused about what behaviour is acceptable. In some cases, parents may unintentionally reinforce negative behaviour by giving in to their child’s demands or ignoring misbehaviour.

How to Correct Misbehaviour

If a child is misbehaving, it’s important for parents to take responsibility for their role in the situation. Here are some steps parents can take to correct their child’s misbehaviour:

Set clear rules and expectations

Kids need to know what behaviour is expected of them. Parents should communicate clear rules and consequences for misbehaviour.

Be consistent with discipline

Parents should be consistent with discipline to avoid confusion and reinforce positive behaviour.

Model positive behaviour

Parents should model positive behaviour and communication to help their kids learn appropriate ways to interact with others.

Give positive reinforcement

Parents should praise and reward positive behaviour to reinforce it.

Seek professional help if necessary

In some cases, parents may need professional help to address their child’s misbehaviour. This may involve therapy for the child or family counselling.

Children are individuals with their own personalities and it even shows more when you’re parenting teenagers, especially in this century. However, parenting styles and behaviours can have a significant impact on their development. If a child is misbehaving, parents should take responsibility for their role in the situation and take steps to correct the behaviour.

By setting clear rules, being consistent with discipline, modelling positive behaviour, giving positive reinforcement, and seeking professional help if necessary, parents can help their children develop into well-adjusted and well-behaved individuals.

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