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“How to take care of your Vehicle” – for Non-Gear Heads.

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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If you’re not a gearhead, it might be a bit confusing when you get a new vehicle and have no idea how to go about taking care of it.  You’ll still have to keep your vehicle in good working order if you want it to last anyway especially since vehicles don’t quite care what you know or don’t know. And that is why we are here. In this article, we will discuss the easiest ways to adequately maintain your vehicle that doesn’t require breaking your bank or your vehicle. 

Avoid running on low fuel.

It’s easy to forget that the engine needs fuel, especially when you’re in a hurry. But if your car runs out of gas before you refill, it can cause damage to the engine and other parts of your vehicle. This could end up costing you thousands in repairs or replacement parts.

Use premium gasoline when possible (or extra-light octane). The higher-quality gasoline has higher octane ratings than regular unleaded gasoline. Thus, it allows for more power from your engine without damaging it as much as cheaper fuels do over time. Or sometimes even immediately.

Check your car tires always.

Check your car tires a few hours after a drive. This will give you an accurate reading of their inflation pressure. Always use a good quality tire gauge to check the pressure in all four tires at once, so that you don’t have to do it over and over again. The correct inflation is listed on the sidewall of each tire so that there’s no chance of misreading it or getting an incorrect reading by accident!

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil changes.

Oil is a key component of your vehicle’s engine. Its job is to lubricate all moving parts, keeping them from rubbing together and causing damage. Over time, though, oil can become dirty and worn out—and if you don’t change it regularly enough (every 3,000-5,000 miles), that dirt can break down into tiny particles that get into the engine’s oil pan and cause damage over time.

Changing the oil filter every time it gets dirty is also important. If you don’t change your filters often enough they’ll start clogging up fast!

Always use the correct engine oil.

You should always use the correct oil for your vehicle’s engine. The wrong oil can cause damage and shorten the life of your engine. It’s also possible to overfill a transmission if you’re not careful.

The best way to check whether or not you have the appropriate amount of oil in your cars is by using an inexpensive tool called an “oil dipstick”. Oil dipsticks come in many varieties, but they all do one thing: show how much liquid is in what is being checked. If there isn’t enough liquid present (or none), then it’s recommended that owners replace their old engine with a newer model before things get worse!

Don’t neglect your air filter.

Air filters are important. If you’re not putting your air filter in the right place, it can cause serious damage to your engine. Thus, making driving more difficult.

A good rule of thumb is that you should replace your air filter every 30,000 miles (48,000 km). This will depend on how much you drive and whether or not your car has an automatic transmission. If it does, then you’ll want to check its specific recommendations for maintenance after each oil change so that they’re up-to-date with the latest information on when they should be replaced.

Replacing a dirty or clogged-up air filter isn’t hard at all. Simply follow the instructions tailored to your vehicle in its manual.

Don’t delay replacing worn belts and hoses.

It’s important to keep your vehicle in good working order. Tires, belts, hoses and other parts wear out over time. If they break or rupture while you’re driving your car on the road (or even just at home), you could have an accident that could be very costly to repair.

Replacing worn belts and hoses can save you money in the long run by preventing damage from occurring during normal use. It will also help prevent accidents caused by these parts breaking down suddenly when they’re most needed!

Remember air conditioning and radiator maintenance is crucial.

If you don’t have a mechanic, it can be difficult to know when your vehicle’s air conditioning or radiator needs maintenance. However, there are some things that you can do yourself to keep your car running smoothly.

  • Check the fluid levels in both your radiator and air conditioning system. The manual will tell you how often they need changing and what kind of fluids are used for each system respectively. This is important because if either coolant or antifreeze is low, it could damage other components inside the engine—including those that control temperature and pressure!
  • Look around for any leaks around hoses or connections; these leaks could cause damage over time if left untreated!

So, if you’re looking for ways to improve the life of your vehicle, tuning up its engine and transmission can be a good place to start. It’s important to remember that regular maintenance is just as important when it comes to vehicles.  So while we may use them every day, they still require upkeep just like everything else.

With so much technology at our fingertips today it’s easy for us to forget some small details which could make all the difference when it comes time for repairs down the road.

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