Former Barcelona player, Dani Alves, faced the final day of his trial in a Barcelona court on Wednesday, denying allegations of raping a woman in a nightclub in December 2022. The trial, which has garnered significant media attention, could result in a nine-year prison sentence for the ex-Barcelona defender.
After spending over a year in pre-trial custody without bail, Alves took the stand, refuting the accusations and maintaining his innocence. The verdict is expected on February 27, 2024, as reported by The Athletic.
During the trial, Alves contested that he is “not a violent man” and insisted that the alleged victim did not express a desire to leave during the encounter. Despite Alves’ attempts to delay the trial and discredit the accuser’s testimony, the court proceeded with the proceedings.
If convicted, prosecutors are seeking a €150,000 compensation fee for the alleged victim and a restriction preventing Alves from being within one kilometer of her. The football star, one of the most decorated players in history, last played competitively in January 2023 for Mexican club Pumas UNAM.