In a heartwarming celebration of enduring love and commitment, renowned stand-up comedian Okechukwu Anthony Onyegbule, popularly known as Okey Bakassi, and his beloved wife, Ezinne, are joyfully commemorating their 22nd wedding anniversary on September 1.
Okey Bakassi shared this beautiful milestone with his Instagram followers, expressing his deep affection for his wife and the mother of their children. In a touching post, he wrote:
Wow, it’s been 22 years since we stood in front of God and friends and promised we’d journey together in this tough environment called marriage. We are doing well, Zizi….better than we imagined. Thank God for His blessings. Happy anniversary, my darling wife. You know how much I love you.”
As they celebrate this remarkable milestone, fans and well-wishers join in applauding the enduring love story of Okey Bakassi and Ezinne, wishing them many more years of happiness and togetherness. Happy 22nd wedding anniversary to this extraordinary couple!