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How to be a Good Girlfriend

by Frederick Akinola
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If you are wondering what you could do to improve your role in your relationship, treat your partner better, and not drive your boyfriend irritated, you’re in the right place. Being a good girlfriend is not only about the things you can do in the bedroom. You have to understand how men think and what they need in a relationship to be a better girlfriend. Consider the following:

Be a Girlfriend, Not a Wife

Don’t be too forward. Do not perform wife duties when he hasn’t married you. You might end up losing your worth. Do not feel obligated to wash his clothes, clean his house, cook for him, and have sex. Do whatever you want on your own terms.

Be Affectionate

Many people are almost emotionless. They seem incapable of showing love. It could be as a result of family background, tradition, or past experiences. You have to learn to show affection. There are various ways to show your affection; some are more obvious than others and the way you approach this will depend on how openly affectionate you like to be personally. Affection is close to but not the same as intimacy––affection is about openly displaying that you care about this person and can be shown any time of day or night, publicly or privately. Signs of affection can vary by culture. For example, in France, friends greet each other by kissing both cheeks. Two American friends might find it more comfortable to high-five one another or hug. Affection is also shown through communication. For instance, you just call someone to say you’re thinking of them. If your boyfriend does not like open displays of affection, you can try doing it privately. If he doesn’t like that either, my dear, there’s a problem.

Have Some Trust

If you want a healthy, happy, relationship, you’ll need to prioritize building and maintaining trust. Trust is the foundation of a good relationship, and always spying on your partner will betray that connection. Boundaries are super important, and you wouldn’t like it if they read your messages. So if you’re worried or concerned about something, it’s best to have an open, honest conversation with your partner. Trusting each other gives both of you the chance to do things separately and know that it will be great when you do see each other next. Building trust doesn’t just happen. It takes work. It requires hard work, communication, consistency, honesty and commitment.

Don’t be too Clingy

There’s a thin line between a clingy girlfriend and a loving one. You can end up becoming a clingy lover without really realizing it. And it isn’t a bad thing, just as long as you know where to draw the line. Do not send an overload of messages. Allow the guy to live his life. You shouldn’t check your partner’s social media activity to confirm their whereabouts. Don’t choke him to death. You cannot be everything to your partner. Try to make connections with people outside of your relationship. Get busy. It’s totally normal to want to be what your man is all the time; however, the trouble comes when you become emotionally overbearing.

Buy him Gifts

Men love gifts as much as women do. Everyone loves to get presents and giving them one shows that they mean a lot to you. Don’t overdo it, though. Give him a gift when you want to let him know how much he means to you. You don’t want him to think you’re trying to buy his affection. Don’t feel pressured to spend money that you should be saving or using for other important things in your life.

Take Interest in his Interests

Show interest in your boyfriend’s hobbies. You don’t have to take an interest in all of their interests. But in learning to accept their unique way of being, you’ll also be learning more about yourself and ultimately whether you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with this person. This will also afford you the opportunity to spend more time together. If you and your boyfriend have nothing in common, you will slowly grow apart.

Bottom Line

Remember, he is not your husband until he has married you. Be yourself. Don’t be too eager to please this man. Men don’t like needy girls. Have a life of your own, and grow as an individual. Work hard to ensure your relationship works, but ensure you don’t work too hard, so you’re not exhausted.

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1 comment

Naomi April 6, 2023 - 2:40 pm

If u like do all these things a guy who doesn’t love u will not still see it .

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