Home » How to Know if You’ve Been Blocked on WhatsApp

How to Know if You’ve Been Blocked on WhatsApp

by Frederick Akinola

WhatsApp is a popular messaging app that lets you stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues. However, sometimes you might notice that you’re not able to reach someone on WhatsApp. This could be because they’ve blocked you. Being blocked can be frustrating, but there are several signs to look out for to confirm if you’ve been blocked. This article will guide you through these signs.

1. Profile Picture Disappears

One of the first signs that someone might have blocked you on WhatsApp is their profile picture disappearing. If you used to see their profile picture and now it’s either blank or shows the default WhatsApp avatar, they might have blocked you. However, keep in mind that they might have just removed their profile picture.

2. Last Seen or Online Status Missing

Another sign is the absence of the “last seen” or “online” status. When someone blocks you, you can’t see when they were last online or if they are currently online. To check, open your chat with the person and look at the top of the chat window. If you can’t see their last seen or online status, they might have blocked you. However, WhatsApp allows users to hide their last seen status from everyone, so this sign alone isn’t conclusive.

3. Messages Only Show One Tick

When you send a message on WhatsApp, a single grey tick appears when the message is sent, and two grey ticks appear when it’s delivered. If someone blocks you, any message you send to them will only show a single grey tick, indicating that the message was sent but not delivered. If your messages to this person always show one tick for an extended period, they might have blocked you.

4. Calls Not Going Through

If you try to call the person on WhatsApp and the call doesn’t go through, this could be another sign they’ve blocked you. When you place a call, it will ring once and then disconnect. If this happens consistently with the same contact, it’s likely they’ve blocked you.

5. Unable to Add to Groups

A less obvious sign of being blocked is the inability to add the person to a WhatsApp group. If you try to create a group and add the contact but receive a message saying you don’t have permission to add them, they’ve likely blocked you.

6. Profile Updates Not Visible

When someone blocks you, you can’t see any changes they make to their profile, such as a new status message or an updated profile picture. If you notice that a contact’s profile hasn’t changed in a long time and you used to see regular updates, this could mean they’ve blocked you.

7. Checking with a Mutual Friend

If you’re still unsure, ask a mutual friend to check the contact’s profile for you. If the mutual friend can see the contact’s profile picture, last seen status, and can send messages that show double ticks, but you cannot, they’ve likely blocked you.

Final Thoughts

These signs can indicate that someone blocked you on WhatsApp, but remember that none of them are definitive proof on their own. WhatsApp’s privacy settings let users control what information is visible to others, and there could be other reasons why you can’t see a contact’s information or reach them.

If you suspect that someone blocked you and it’s causing you concern, try reaching out to them through another means of communication to clarify the situation. Blocking on WhatsApp could be accidental or due to a misunderstanding, and a direct conversation might help resolve the issue.

In conclusion, being blocked on WhatsApp can feel frustrating, but by looking for these signs, you can better determine whether or not it has happened to you. Just remember to consider all possibilities and approach the situation calmly.


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