Home » I admit my reforms have created hardship — Pres. Tinubu

I admit my reforms have created hardship — Pres. Tinubu

by John Ojewale
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President Bola Tinubu said that his reforms had caused hardship for Nigerians.

However, he emphasised that they are required to bring about the much-needed transformation that the country has been waiting for.

Tinubu made the announcement during a national broadcast commemorating 2024 Democracy Day and the country’s 25th year of unbroken democratic government.

He stated that as a benefactor of the historic achievements of democracy’s heroes, he had a moral obligation to preserve the current form of governance.

He said:

“As President of this nation, I am morally and constitutionally bound to preserve this precious form of governance.

“I vow to do my utmost best to protect your rights, freedoms, and liberties as citizens of Nigeria.

“Even more than that, I pledge to do whatever is necessary to cement democracy as our way of life.”

The President thanked Nigerians for the opportunity to govern the country and pledged not to abandon them.

He warned Nigerians to beware of anyone attempting to take advantage of the nation’s current problems in order to weaken and destroy the democracy that so many had previously sacrificed so much for.

He said that as Nigerians, we have to constantly remind ourselves that democracy is ultimately the best type of government, despite its complexity.

According to him:

“We must also be aware that there are those among us who will try to exploit current challenges to undermine, if not destroy this democracy for which so much has already been given.

“These people do this not to make things better but to subject all other people and things to their control and dominance until the point that, if you are not counted among their elite, then your life will be small and no longer owned by you.”

Also Read:

June 12: We are still at the baby steps of democracy – Gov Abiodun

We’ll soon send bill on new minimum wage to National Assembly – Tinubu

June 12: Opposition failure, a threat to Nigeria’s democracy – Atiku Abubakar






cc: Daily Post Ng

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