Nollywood’s beloved actor, Richard Mofe Damijo, affectionately known as RMD, celebrates his 62nd birthday today, July 6th, by embarking on a profound spiritual journey.
On his Instagram page, RMD shared a gorgeous dark-themed photo of himself adorned in white attire, symbolizing purity and surrender. He expressed overwhelming gratitude and openly surrendered his life to God in a heartfelt message.
With deep appreciation, RMD conveyed his immense gratitude for reaching this milestone in his life. The seasoned actor acknowledged the blessings and experiences that have shaped him throughout the years, instilling a profound sense of thankfulness within his heart.
RMD humbly surrendered to the divine, offering his life to God as an instrument for a greater purpose. His words reflected his willingness to embrace the next chapter of his life with open arms, seeking divine guidance and direction.
As RMD celebrates his 62nd birthday, his decision to surrender his life to God represents a transformative journey. By publicly embracing his spiritual path, he inspires others to explore their beliefs and embark on a similar quest for self-discovery and growth.
CC: Nation