Home » Stanley Ontop Criticizes Rain Disruption at May Edochie’s Trade Fair

Stanley Ontop Criticizes Rain Disruption at May Edochie’s Trade Fair

by Adeola Adeyeye
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Nollywood actor Stanley Ontop has stirred drama with his reaction to the heavy rain that disrupted May Edochie’s trade fair.

The estranged wife of Yul Edochie was hosting a trade fair for her brand and the luxury hair brand Priceless Hair when the unexpected downpour occurred. Stanley took to Instagram to express his concern, suggesting that spiritual forces were behind the rain and implying that Yul Edochie and his wife, Judy Austin, might be pleased by the disruption.

In his post, Stanley Ontop prayed for the rain to stop, noting that the downpour had ruined many vendors’ businesses. He empathized with those affected, particularly mentioning vendors who had taken loans from microfinance institutions to participate in the fair.

Some spiritual forces have sent rain to Priceless Hair fair today in Lagos. Heavy downpour has ruined a lot of people’s business in Priceless Hair ground. God, please hold this rain a little while because some vendors there collected loads from microfinance. I know Eze Dike will be laughing May in one corner. May God help @pricelesshairs. Some ungodly elements have sent rain to scatter the fair. Eze Dike and Ezenwanyi Dike will be somewhere laughing out loud. Rain, please stop. Shalom!,” he wrote.

During the fair’s opening, May Edochie became emotional as she shared the struggles and sacrifices she had made, which seemed to be in vain due to the rain. She revealed that she had to overcome many challenges and had to pick herself up despite the world expecting her to wallow in self-pity. Her heartfelt speech was cut short by her tears as she recounted how multiple businesses she had run previously had failed.

Yul Edochie, since his separation from May, has been accused of constantly competing with her. In March, barely 24 hours after May shared a video of her trip to Dubai, Yul posted a video on Instagram of himself and Judy boarding a flight from Asaba to Abuja. Many saw this as an attempt to outshine his estranged wife, leading to significant backlash in the comments.

The rivalry extended to their business ventures. Last year, Yul and Judy announced the launch of their Real Estate company, Isi Mmili Company, shortly after May launched her perfume and shampoo line. This move was also perceived as a competitive jab at May.

Also Read: Rita Edochie Celebrates May Edochie’s Success Amid Family Drama, Throws Shade at Yul Edochie

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