Nollywood actress and entrepreneur, Uche Ogbodo, recently gave birth to her third child and has taken to her Instagram page to express the unique challenges and experiences of her motherhood journey. Even though this is her third child, Uche reveals that motherhood feels new and distinct every time.
She explains that all three of her children were delivered via Cesarean section, each bringing its own set of pain and novelty. However, her third child has proven to be the most challenging of all. Uche expresses her gratitude for her strength and health but acknowledges the mental toll that sleepless nights have taken on her.
In her heartfelt post, Uche Ogbodo emphasizes that her story remains private, and she is not yet ready to share all the details. Nevertheless, she credits her unwavering faith in God, who has been with her from the beginning of her journey into motherhood.
The actress also seeks advice from fellow working moms of this generation, pondering how they manage their altered lives and cope with sleepless nights while juggling various responsibilities.
In a separate post, Uche Ogbodo joyfully announced the arrival of her newborn, Ifeanchukwu Xavier Ugwoegbu. She expressed gratitude to her partner for being her guardian angel and holding her hand throughout the challenging Cesarean section.