Home » 2027: I will consider PDP-LP merger if – Peter Obi

2027: I will consider PDP-LP merger if – Peter Obi

by John Ojewale
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A merger between the Labour Party and the Peoples Democratic Party has been discussed by Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party for 2023.

Obi responded to the possibility of receiving backing as a Southeast contender in the 2027 presidential election from Atiku Abubakar, the PDP’s 2023 flagbearer, in an interview that was posted on YouTube on Saturday on NoireTV-GlobalBlackTV.

Obi thanked Abubakar for mentioning that he may receive support because of the South-East candidate in response to the interviewer’s query. “I’m appreciative of his remarks and I commend him, particularly the part where he stated he would back me if the South East received the presidential ticket,” Obi concluded.

However, Obi underlined that his major focus is not personal ambition or political manoeuvring, but rather the well-being of Nigeria and its people. “I’m not desperate to be president, I’m desperate to see Nigeria work, especially for the poor people because we have a lot of potential,” he said.

Obi indicated openness to the concept of a PDP-LP merger, as long as the objective is to better manage Nigeria and realise its great potential. “If the merger is to be able to govern Nigeria properly, unlock all those things that will make Nigeria a better place, I’m for it,” he stated.

Obi stressed that he is not interested in mergers or coalitions just to gain power or win elections.

“If it’s just a merger for election or state capture, I’m not for it or part of it, I don’t want to be part of anything like that,” he said.

The former Anambra State governor emphasised the value of unity and collaboration among individuals and parties, but only if the goal is to establish a better Nigeria.

“It might be at the party level, it might be at the individual level, might be at any level, but we must come together to be able to build a better Nigeria,” he added.


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cc: Punch Ng

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