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Businesses You can Start With Little Capital to Make Profit.

by Frederick Akinola

There are so many business ideas you can start up with as a youth. With the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria a lot of graduates are literally roaming the streets in search of jobs. This has made many delve into businesses so as to survive.  And many have discovered that businesses could actually be more profitable than a white-collar job. Let’s look at some businesses you can do from your backyard without much capital.

Snail Farming (Heliciculture)

Snail farming is one of the sustainable, money-spinning Agribusinesses that most Nigerians ignore. Snail farming does not need so much space. Snail farming is one of the lucrative businesses in agriculture that is worth venturing into. You can start with little or zero capital and it can also be done on a large scale. The demand for snail meat (escargot) is high both in the local and international markets and that makes it a lucrative business. Snail is a common delicacy and healthy meat, credited with being a very healthy source of protein, phosphorus, calcium and iron, and low in fats, sodium and cholesterol.

Set Up a Small Poultry Farm.

If you have some space in your backyard, you can construct a small house and raise chickens. Before you do, find out the cost of chicks and feed in your area. Try to have a consultant who will help you with advice so you don’t lose your birds to sickness.  Try to start with keeping a few birds. You can expand in time.

Create an Online Fashion Boutique.

If you love fashion and sharing your sense of style online, you can consider creating your own online fashion boutique. You don’t need to become a fashion designer—you can simply curate items from other vendors into your own online store.

Open a Barber’s Salon.

It does not take so much to own a Barber’s Salon in rural areas. Your basic needs are a shop, clippers, a chair and a mirror. You can learn how to barb for a few months before setting up the salon, or you can employ someone who will work for you. It is more advantageous if you know how to use the clipper. Your workers could take you for granted if you’re not able to work by yourself in their absence.

Become an Online Food Vendor.

If you’re good at cooking, becoming an online food vendor might be good. The cost to start a street food vendor business costs significantly less money than most businesses. You can cook at home, advertise online, and liaise with delivery companies to take your food to people. If you do well, you will get referrals and could start providing your services for bigger events. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but if you cool really well, your work will definitely speak for itself.

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