Home » Effective Ways to Handle Stubborn Children: Simple Strategies for Parents

Effective Ways to Handle Stubborn Children: Simple Strategies for Parents

by Frederick Akinola

Dealing with a stubborn child can feel frustrating, but it’s not impossible. Stubbornness often shows a child’s growing independence and confidence. If handled well, these traits can become strengths. Instead of battling every time, try to see these moments as chances for teaching. Here are some simple strategies to help you manage stubbornness in children.

1. Stay Calm and Patient

The first step in dealing with a stubborn child is to remain calm. Children are quick to pick up on your emotions, and reacting with anger only fuels their resistance. If you stay composed, it can calm the situation. Take deep breaths, pause before speaking, and give yourself time to think.

If you respond harshly, your child may dig in even more, seeing it as a challenge. However, by staying calm, you show them the kind of behavior you expect. A calm parent models how to manage frustration, setting an example for the child.

2. Listen to Understand Their Point of View

Sometimes, stubborn behavior is a way for children to express their feelings. Instead of demanding they comply, take a moment to listen. Acknowledge their concerns and show that you understand their feelings.

For example, if your child doesn’t want to clean their room, say, “I know you don’t like cleaning, but it’s important to keep your space tidy. Let’s make it easier by doing it together.” This shows empathy while keeping expectations clear.

3. Give Choices Instead of Commands

Children often resist when they feel like they have no control. Offering choices can ease this tension by giving them a sense of power. Instead of saying, “Put your toys away now,” try, “Would you like to put your toys away before or after lunch?”

This gives your child a sense of independence while still guiding them toward the desired behavior. The aim is to help them feel involved, reducing the need for a power struggle.

4. Set Clear and Consistent Boundaries

Children need to know the rules and understand that they are non-negotiable. Clear boundaries help them know what’s expected. Stubborn kids may test these boundaries, but it’s important not to bend the rules to avoid conflict.

Be firm with your limits and follow through with consequences if necessary. For example, if you say they can’t watch TV until their homework is done, don’t allow exceptions. Being consistent helps your child understand the rules and reduces their urge to challenge them.

5. Use Positive Reinforcement

Rewarding good behavior is an effective way to reduce stubbornness. When your child listens or follows directions, praise them. Positive reinforcement encourages them to repeat the behavior.

For instance, say, “Great job putting your toys away! I’m proud of you.” This makes them feel valued and motivates them to continue doing well. Reward systems, like sticker charts, can also track their progress and encourage consistent positive behavior.

6. Pick Your Battles

Not every issue needs to become a confrontation. It’s important to save your energy for the bigger problems. If your child insists on wearing mismatched socks or eating at a different time, it may not be worth fighting over.

By choosing your battles wisely, you allow your child to express their independence in minor areas while focusing on more important issues, like homework or safety. This reduces unnecessary conflict and helps your child feel more in control.

7. Teach Problem-Solving and Compromise

Encourage your child to solve problems and find compromises. Instead of forcing a solution, ask them how they would handle a situation. If they resist doing homework, for example, you could ask, “How can we make homework time better for you?”

This approach teaches them to think critically and look for solutions. When children feel involved in decision-making, they are less likely to be stubborn because they contributed to the outcome.

8. Be a Role Model

Children often mimic what they see in their parents. If you handle stress with patience and approach conflicts calmly, your child will likely do the same. Show them how to handle disagreements respectfully and how to stay composed in tough situations.

If you often react with anger or stubbornness, your child may adopt the same behaviors. Be mindful of how you respond to challenges, as your actions set the tone for their behavior.


Managing a stubborn child takes patience, understanding, and consistency. By staying calm, offering choices, setting clear rules, and using positive reinforcement, you can guide your child without constant conflict. Remember to pick your battles and teach them problem-solving skills. These strategies will help turn stubborn moments into valuable learning experiences, building a foundation of respect and cooperation.


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