Comedian Atunyota Akpobome, known as Ali Baba, and his wife, Mary Akpobome, have celebrated a special occasion: the first birthday of their triplets, King Aaron, King Alexander, and King Andrew.
The joyful event took place on Friday, January 24, 2025, and was marked by adorable pictures shared on social media.
Mary Akpobome expressed her deep gratitude to God for the blessing of her children, praising the Almighty for His faithfulness and acknowledging His perfect timing. She marked the occasion with humble worship, reflecting her reverence for God’s blessings.
The triplets’ birthday celebration was filled with joy as the children appeared in pictures full of smiles and happiness. Ali Baba also shared moments from the celebration, featuring the song Omemma by gospel artist Chandler Moore in the background, further adding to the joyous atmosphere.
Ali Baba’s colleagues and friends, including Nollywood actress Kate Henshaw, Pastor David Adeoye, fashion designer Medlin Boss (Mimi Yina), and others, showered the triplets with birthday wishes and prayers. They expressed gratitude to God and prayed for the children’s continued health, growth, and happiness.
The outpouring of love from fans and well-wishers continued across Instagram, with comments from fans like @kemiajumobi celebrating the triplets’ milestone, and @medlinboss wishing them a future filled with health and happiness.
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