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An Introductory Guide to Technology for Newbies.

Discussing Opportunities in technology

by Ibukunoluwa Ogundare
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Since 2019, when the Covid 19 virus caused a global lockdown, the Technology industry has seen an influx of development. The lockdown heavily disrupted the 9 am to 5 pm industrial structure which caused many individuals to lose their jobs. While all of these happened, many who strategically positioned themselves for this new wave got new jobs and opportunities.

One of these special cases is the increase in the market size for the online meeting platform- Zoom. Their value skyrocketed due to the increase in demand for their service. With many difficulties in workplace sustainability, people started adopting online learning, online meetings, online meetups, etc. Today, they are considered a part of the workplace norm. You most likely have either seen an online meeting link or joined one today. It is now mainstream and technology is only going to get more relevant hence the need to be in the know.

Technology is a tool that amplifies and improves the work done. It gives global access to users seamlessly. With technology, you can be relevant either by understanding how to consume(use) tech products or build products.

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc are all consumer-based tech products. Understanding how to use these tools as it relates to business, managing these accounts, and running ads on them while being proficient at them are crucial in-demand skills. Popular career paths in this space are Copywriting, Content Development and Marketing, Video editing and production, etc.

Proficiency or Mastery is the unit of Value in everything technology.

It is not okay to just start and have a shallow knowledge of things. Building products is the other side of technology just as important as the consumer side of it.

Go deep, learn more, and find solutions to challenges others who stop short of learning more require. This is what gives you the ability to make your wave and call the shots in it.

Seeking out challenges and building solutions to these challenges or working with a company to help solve challenges they are focused on is the high point of the technology industry. This is where career paths like Software development, Product Management, Programming, User Interface/experience design, Quality assurance, project management, Scrum master, Data Science and Analytics, website development, Artificial Intelligence, and cloud computing are found.

In a country like Nigeria with many challenges, it is a goldmine for those who are willing to enter the space and walk through it. Needless to say, this space is not getting full anytime soon.

As long as there are still challenges yet to be solved, there are still opportunities to break in.

What aspect of technology do you like best and why? 

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