Home » Compromising in Relationships

Compromising in Relationships

by Monsurat Momoh
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It is quite easy for people to talk about compromising in relationships and what it actually means. However, it is harder to accomplish it. Because relationships are as fragile as mirrors, one little crack and it’s gone but then staring at it shows your beautiful reflection, people may think compromising is an easy thing.

A romantic relationship is all about love and many other things. Love is the first thing to look out for but so many other things are important too. There isn’t just one second thing to look at, after love. Every other thing is the second thing.

Compromising and practicing it is not to be mistaken with being in an unhappy relationship. One where your needs are never met but you keep telling yourself it’ll get better. Compromising means to meet in the middle.

Relationships  are never a one way thing or road. This means that you’re obviously not the only person in it. That’s why it’s called what it is. It always involves more than one person. Have you ever met anyone in a romantic relationship with themselves? I haven’t.

In other words, your partner’s feelings are as valid as yours are. Downplaying your own emotions or decisions is also never an option. This means that you should not relate being treated badly to compromising. They are two different situations.

Healthy compromise is key to strengthening and maintaining a relationship. Without compromising in relationships, couples can drift apart. It is understanding that with compromise, it brings happiness and not sadness. Understanding and not anxiety. Great mental health and not depression.

Because differences in opinion are bound to happen, would it not be better to accept healthy compromises? No matter how similar you both are, you will still have to compromise. It does not mean you have to agree with your partner. It just means that you understand and respect them.

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