Home » Dealing with Bullies – A Guide for Young Men

Dealing with Bullies – A Guide for Young Men

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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Bullies are people who try to stop you from doing what you’re good at. They don’t just affect men — they’re a problem for any adult who feels insecure about themselves or others. But even if you aren’t a bully, knowing how to handle them can be challenging. You may have heard stories where an adult pulled you aside and talked to you about your behaviour. Or you may have been the recipient of a “what-if” comment from someone else.

Regardless, everyone experiences bullying occasionally — it’s something we all experience at one time or another. In this article, we take a look at what it means to deal with bullies, why you should avoid being struck by them and how to get back on track after they hound you.

What is Bullying?

Bullying occurs when a person tries to stop you from doing something you’re good at. It can also happen when a person tries to stop you from doing something they enjoy doing. An example of bullying could be when a mate who is physically stronger than you takes your stuff, destroys it and leaves you helpless. Most of the time, they benefit from your weakness and play to your strengths. In cases like these, you’ll likely feel a sense of helplessness. You may not be able to do anything about it, so you’ll likely have to accept the fact that it’s going to happen. In fact, it might be harder to deal with than you first imagine.

How to Deal with Bullies.

There are tons of people out there who feel oppressed by bullies, too. That’s why you should always try to show them you accept their existence and aren’t afraid of them. In fact, it can be super helpful to have a support group for people who’ve been bullied — especially if that group is your friends. Another rule that will help you out if you’re dealing with a bully is don’t give him/her any satisfaction. Doing so only encourages them to keep hounding you and getting you involved in their thoughts and feelings. You should also never give a “free pass” to a bully because you’re not the one being oppressed. Instead, act like you don’t give a damn about what the bully said or did — and you’ll be much more likely to get back on track if you just accept the way things are.

Avoid being the target of bullies— and anyone who gets too involved with it.

If someone is bullying you, they probably think you’re a victim. They may even be trying to guilt you for what they’re doing to you. If you end up getting in their face or getting in their way, they may end up getting physical or even hurting you. To be safe, try to maintain a low-key environment where you don’t talk about what’s going on in your life or what someone else’s problem is. If you have to reveal that you’re the one being bullied, do so in a confidential fashion.

How to Get back on Track After Being Bullied.

There are a few things you can do if you’re being bullied: – Pick a positive purpose for your life and use it as a shield against the bullying. – Decide what you want to do about it and work towards it with all your energy and determination. – Make a plan for when you’re going to act. – Make sure you’re committed to the plan and aren’t just relying on the fact that someone will care if you do or not. – Don’t take it personally if someone calls you names or gives you snarky comments in a confrontational way. These are probably just trying to get in your face or tease you. – If you feel like someone else is trying to get in your face, call it out. It shouldn’t be a final thought, but a process of “what if?.”

Wrapping up: Are You a Victim of Bullying or Just curious?

When you’re hurt by bullying, it can feel really good to take some time and analyze your experience. It can also feel really bad because you probably didn’t do anything wrong. You can also try talking it out with a friend or two if you need space to think. You can also talk it out with a professional if you need to talk to a doctor or a therapist. What do you think you could have done to prevent this from happening to you?

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