Home » Effective Natural Remedies to Beat Cold and Cough

Effective Natural Remedies to Beat Cold and Cough

by Adeola Adeyeye
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As the seasons change and the weather cools down, many of us find ourselves reaching for tissues and cough drops to combat the inevitable cold and cough.

While over-the-counter medications can provide relief, there’s a wealth of natural remedies that can help you find comfort and alleviate symptoms without the need for artificial additives. Here is a range of proven natural solutions to help you combat cold and cough effectively and enjoy a healthier, happier season.

Honey and Lemon Elixir

One of the classic go-to remedies for cold and cough is a soothing concoction of honey and lemon. The antimicrobial properties of honey help soothe a sore throat, while lemon’s vitamin C content boosts your immune system. Mix a tablespoon of honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice in warm water and sip throughout the day for a comforting remedy.


Ginger has been hailed as a natural wonder for its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties. Create a ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger slices in hot water. Add a touch of honey and lemon for extra soothing effects. This spicy root can also be added to soups and dishes to help clear congestion and provide relief.

Steam Therapy

Inhaling steam is a time-honoured remedy for clearing nasal passages and easing congestion. Fill a bowl with hot water and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl to inhale the steam. This can provide instant relief and help you breathe more freely.


Turmeric’s active compound, curcumin, possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can alleviate cold and cough symptoms. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder into warm milk or water and consume it before bedtime for soothing relief.


A saltwater gargle can help ease a scratchy throat and reduce inflammation. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and use it as a gargle. Be sure not to swallow the mixture. Gargling a few times a day can provide relief and prevent the progression of a sore throat.


Garlic is renowned for its antimicrobial properties and can boost your immune system to fight off cold and cough. Incorporate garlic into your meals or create a potent garlic remedy by crushing a few cloves and mixing them with honey. Consume this mixture daily for added protection.

Rest and Hydration

While not directly a “remedy,” proper rest and hydration are vital components of any recovery process. Ensure you are drinking enough fluids, such as water, herbal teas, and clear soups, to keep your body hydrated. Resting allows your body to allocate its energy towards fighting off the illness.

When a cold and cough strike, the comforting power of natural remedies can provide effective relief without resorting to harsh chemicals. Incorporating all of the above can help you overcome cold and cough symptoms with natural goodness.

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