Home » Emirates Crisis: We plead with Pres. Tinubu to move deposed Emir Bayero out of Kano — Gov Yusuf

Emirates Crisis: We plead with Pres. Tinubu to move deposed Emir Bayero out of Kano — Gov Yusuf

by John Ojewale
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The Kano State Government has urged President Bola Tinubu on Monday to remove Aminu Ado Bayero, the ousted 15th Emir of Kano, from the state.

The state administration claimed that Bayero’s ongoing presence in the state poses a threat to the peace and stability of Kano’s people.

Comrade Aminu Abdussalam, the state’s Deputy Governor, made the statement on Monday while briefing reporters on the chieftaincy situation in Kano.

Abdussalam also revealed why the state administration stood firm and went on to reinstate and escort the 16th Emir, Sanusi, to the throne.

He stated that the government had not been issued with a court order restraining or requiring all parties to maintain the status quo.

According to him, just one of the eight respondents, the Inspector General of Police (IGP), received the court order, while the others, including the Kano State Government, did not.

He did, however, apologise on behalf of the state government to the Office of the National Security Adviser, NSA, Nuhu Ribadu, about claims that he arranged planes to take Bayero to Kano.

He accused some members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) of supporting intermittent protests around the state over the breakup of the emirates and the return of Sanusi.

Abdussalam said:

“We are worried and shocked about marching orders from above to ensure the implementation of the court order.

“There have been talks around the court order (restraining or ex parte motion) given by a court. Whatever the circumstances around the order, we as a government have never seen or received any communication in that direction.

“There are eight respondents. Out of this eight respondents, only one, Inspector General of Police, IGP, was served with the court order while the state police commissioner, DSS, NSCDC were never served, likewise the Kano State Government and Attorney General were not served until this moment. You cannot act on anything that you don’t know. And that is what informed all our actions till today and this moment.

“But the unfortunate thing is that it seems somewhere, somehow, some people up there, because the security chiefs told us pointblank that they cannot flout directive from above.

“It means somebody above is directing this is what should happen. Somebody was directing the security men, police and SS should escort the emir to Kano and directives were given that they also received him here and was kept at the Nassarawa palace and few meters away from the Governor’s office and residence.

“And ever since politicians from the opposition who have been vocal and vehement about the repeal law and reinstatement of Sanusi were the people who are driving people around the deposed Emir, meeting there and conspiring to cause mayhem and chaos in the state to the extent that they came out to light bonfire, meters from the governor’s office and residence and got security cover.

“Ever since the process of repealing the law started, Kano was peaceful and people were jubilating only for us to start seeing negative developments.

“We have been wondering why the order is special, such that out of eight respondents, seven were not served and there was a marching order from the top that everything be done to ensure implementation of the order. Whose interest is being served? Who is behind this diabolical plan to cause mayhem in Kano? Why is it that suddenly, people want to demonstrate?

“Petitions are being engineered today from the former emirates of Gaya, Rano and Bichi. The Emir of Gaya has already gone on air and stated it categorically clear that he has taken it in good fate and holds no grudges against anybody and appealed to his people to abide by the law.

“Today, there was sponsored protest carried out in Gaya by APC thugs. Some people claiming to be stakeholders from Bichi wrote a letter and all of them were card carrying members of APC in the emirate. So the whole thing is now turning into politics.

“We appeal to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Office of the National Security Adviser and other agencies concerned to investigate the happenings in Kano as it relates to the deposed Emir, Aminu Ado Bayero, and take immediate steps to evacuate him from his current residence and remove him from in the state. As it is now, he is constituting a security threat in the state.

“A lot of efforts were put in place to reach out to the President on happenings around the chieftaincy matters.”


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cc: Daily Post Ng

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