Home » Five African Visa-shy countries for Nigerians.

Five African Visa-shy countries for Nigerians.

by HardeyhorlahLizzy
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Visa denial is a common situation that visa applicants experience on any given day throughout the world. The experience can be dreadful as applicants find it heart-wrenching to be denied one. In most cases, a lot of preparations and effort have been put into the application process with the hope of success.

There are many factors that warrant visa denials. However, certain countries subject nationals of particular countries to intense scrutiny to ensure they meet their immigration requirements, with Nigerians not being an exception.

The Nigerian Passport is not exactly the highest-ranking passport in Africa. Hence, there are not a lot of countries one can travel to, visa- and hassle-free, as a Nigerian. Although about 17 African countries give visa-free entry to Nigerian passport holders, there are a lot more where gaining a visa from them as a Nigerian is more of a herculean task.

Since you might not like rejection, if you’re planning to travel to any of these countries, you should probably prepare for the worst.

The Five listed below have proven to be the hardest countries on the continent for Nigerians to travel to.


The beautiful country of Botswana is famous for its wildlife experiences in the Southern part of Africa. To travel here as a Nigerian, you need to apply for a tourist visa. In fact, their official website says;

All Citizens of Commonwealth countries do not require visas except those from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. So, ensure you have a good application.


Namibia, the country home to the Namib desert, has over the years risen to be one of the most popular tourist destinations on the continent. However, as a Nigerian tourist, we can’t say the process is exactly easy or stress-free.


In 2018, there was a surge of accounts about Nigerians travelling through the desert to get to Libya. They use this route to migrate to Europe. Unfortunately, a lot of people got entangled with slave rings while in Libya. Just days ago, 160 Nigerians were repatriated from Libya. Therefore, it’s understandable that individuals with questionable or unclear motives for wanting to travel to Libya are rejected.


Out of the many African countries that do not need visas to travel to this small land-locked country in South Africa, Nigeria is NOT one of them. In other words, as a Nigerian, YOU need to apply for a tourist visa at their embassy too.

South Sudan

South Sudan doesn’t offer visa-on-arrival for Nigerians. You have to visit the embassy and apply for a visa like any other foreign country. Consequently, if you don’t have the appropriate documents or reason for travel, you can get rejected.

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