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What do these Popular Symbols mean?

History of Popular Pop Symbols.

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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You see these popular symbols all the time, but do you know what they really mean? From the fleur-de-lis to the ankh, these iconic designs hold a lot of historical significance. Join us as we explore the hidden meanings behind 8 popular symbols. We’ll tell you where each symbol came from, what it represents, and why it’s become so popular over the years. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of these enigmatic icons?

The Heart Symbol.

The heart symbol is ubiquitous in modern culture. It pops up on everything from Valentine’s Day cards to emojis. But what does it really mean?

When you send your loved ones a heart-shaped object, you’re telling them that your love for them is as strong as – or even stronger than – a beating heart. And it turns out that this analogy has been around for centuries. The ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the centre of all emotions and intellect.

The Crucifix.

If you’re like most people, when you see a crucifix, the first thing that comes to mind is Jesus. But there’s a lot more to this popular symbol than that.

The crucifix has been used as a religious symbol for centuries, and its meaning has evolved over time. Originally, it was used to represent the victory of good over evil. But later, it came to be associated with the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

Today, the crucifix is still used as a religious symbol by many Christians around the world. But it’s also become a popular symbol of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

The Yin and Yang.

Do you see the all-pervasive yin and yang symbol and wonder what the heck it means? You’re not alone. This popular symbol has a long and winding history, and its meaning is still up for interpretation.

In short, the yin and yang symbolize the duality of all things in the universe. It’s the perfect representation of balance – two halves that come together to create a whole. The symbol can be interpreted in many different ways, but at its core, it’s a reminder that life is full of contradictions and that we can find harmony in the midst of chaos.

When you see the yin and yang symbol, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and all that it represents. It’s a reminder that life is always in flux, and that’s okay.

The Ankh.

You might see the ankh everywhere – from Beyoncé’s chest to that one weird guy on your street who always wears a black t-shirt with a golden ankh on it. But what does it really mean?

The Ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol that stands for life, eternal life, and fertility. It was often used as a symbol of protection and was often carved into tombs and temples.

You can spot the ankh in many famous works of art, including The Book of the Dead and The Eye of Horus. It’s also been appropriated by many modern-day religious groups and New Age spiritualists.

The Om.

The next time you see someone in the yoga studio blissfully om-ing, you’ll know what they’re all about. The Om is a popular symbol in yoga and meditation circles and is said to represent the sound of the universe. It’s said that when you utter the sound of ‘om’, you’re tapping into something far greater than yourself.

But there’s more to the Om than just its spiritual significance. According to an article in The Huffington Post, “Om” is also a powerful word when it comes to manifesting desires. In other words, if you want something bad enough, say “Om” and it will appear (or so they say).

You might see these symbols every day and not think twice about their meaning, but each one has a rich history and story behind it. Next time you see one of these symbols, take a second to think about what it represents. You might be surprised at what you learn.

So next time you see one of these popular symbols, take a moment to appreciate its hidden meaning and history. Who knows? It might just give you a new perspective on life.

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