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How Being Sexist Discussions Can Taint Your Ability To Love

by Adeola Adeyeye
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Marriage is supposed to be a partnership built on love, trust, and mutual respect. However, engaging in sexism can lead to harmful beliefs and attitudes that can poison the foundation of a healthy marriage.  Sexist discussions are conversations or dialogues that perpetuate harmful stereotypes or attitudes about gender, particularly regarding the roles of people in society. These discussions can be overt or subtle and can occur in a variety of settings, such as the workplace, social gatherings, or even within personal relationships.

Some examples of sexist discussions include:
  • Believing that men are better leaders than women, based solely on gender
  • Making derogatory comments or jokes about women or men based on their gender
  • Assuming that women should be responsible for domestic work and childcare, while men should be the primary breadwinners
  • Believing that men are more suited for certain jobs or industries than women.
  • Suggesting that men are scum while women are evil
  • Perpetuating harmful stereotypes about gender, such as assuming that women are emotional and irrational, or that men are stoic and unemotional.
How Sexists Discussions can taint your Relationship View
Limited view about marriage

Sexist discussions often perpetuate harmful stereotypes about gender roles. This ultimately leads to a narrow and limited view of what marriage should be. For example, if one partner believes that it is solely the woman’s responsibility to take care of the home and children, this can lead to a power imbalance and resentment in the relationship. Especially if the woman is also working full-time and contributing financially. It can also limit the potential for an equal partnership where both partners share responsibilities and contribute to the household in their unique ways.

Unhealthy environment for communication or problem-solving

Furthermore, when sexist discussions occur, it can lead to an unhealthy environment for communication and problem-solving. If one partner believes that their gender is superior to the other, it can create an unhealthy power dynamic that inhibits effective communication and hinders the ability to work together as a team.


In addition, engaging in sexist discussions can also result in a negative impact on the relationship itself. If one partner feels that they are not respected or valued as an equal partner, they may begin to feel disconnected and resentful towards their spouse. This can ultimately lead to an unhealthy and unfulfilling relationship. A relationship that is plagued by a lack of trust and mutual understanding.

What to Consider

To build a strong and healthy marriage, it is essential to approach discussions and decision-making with mutual respect and understanding. This means avoiding language or ideas that suggest one gender is superior to the other or that perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Instead, couples should strive to create an environment where open and honest communication is encouraged. One where each partner’s unique strengths are valued and appreciated.

Engaging in sexist discussions can taint one’s view of marriage. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes and limits one’s ability to have an open and fulfilling partnership with their spouse. To build a healthy and fulfilling marriage, it is important to approach discussions and decision-making with mutual respect and understanding. You each have to recognize that each partner has unique strengths to bring to the relationship.

By doing so, couples can create a strong and loving partnership that is built on a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and understanding.

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