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How to learn a language without Hassle.

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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The advancing technological world means with each year, we get new and exciting language terms or words. For example, you might find yourself using a word like “virtual assistant” several times a day to complete tasks on your phone and tablet. Or, you might find yourself switching from manual to software-based tutoring requests daily.

There are a variety of ways to speed up your language learning and reduce the chance of you accidentally saying the wrong thing in class or causing a scene at work. Let’s take a look at how it can be done in practice and cut down on costs as well.

Get to know the Language you work with.

A quick Google search will yield many posts and videos demonstrating how easy it is to make language mistakes. While it might seem like a great way to learn a language, it’s also a great way to get yourself in trouble. Try saying things slowly and with care, especially in formal settings where you might not be able to hear anyone else’s voice as well. Also, avoid slang terms you’re not completely fluent in. This can be extremely harmful, as well as expensive.

Learn the Basics.

Before you learn a new word, it’s helpful to get familiar with it. Get to know the roots of words, the derivations and uses of words, and the related ideas. This can help you avoid common problems such as the overuse of one concept or the use of two words that have entirely different meanings. For example, you might learn early that “toast” can cover both breakfast, the meal and is slang for ‘wooing a lady‘, making it difficult to determine which is meant. Or you might simply be unable to tell the difference. Nowadays, it’s easy enough to substitute other words for the original, but you still have to be careful about the potential for confusion. For a guide on improving your vocabulary, click here.

Don’t Forget the Vowels.

Sometimes, when you’re first learning a new language, you accidentally click a vowel wrong. This can be because you’re thinking of it as a monosyllable, with one vowel in each word. Or it could be that you’re using a word with a long vowel sound, such as “roulette” or “roam”. Don’t worry; it happens. Simply click on one of the long vowels to check if it’s right for you. You can click on the other half of the sound to take it back. This is called diacritics, and it’s actually counterproductive. The longer a word is, the more frequently it needs to be sounded. So, click one of the shorter vowels to check if it’s the right sound for you.

Add More Pertinence.

As you learn new words, it’s important to get them associated with important concepts. This can be tricky, as new words are more likely to occur in tongues than in written forms. However, there are a few tricks that will help you get these words associated with important phrases or concepts without sounding like you’re talking to a total idiot.

Avoid Incorporating Words You Don’t Understand.

Word icons are a great way to identify advanced levels of vocabulary. Simply click on a word or concept to see what comes up. You may also see these on online videos, websites, or books: “A”: This is the anchor word. Learn how to identify the different types of anchor words. “I”: This is the infinitive. It’s what you’re doing right now. Learn how to associate the infinitive with “to do”. “E”: This is an exclamation point. Learn how to identify the different types of exclamation points.

Be Genuine with Your Testimonials.

It’s easy to get demotivated when you don’t understand something new. However, there are a few things you can do instead to make yourself more attractive to other students. When you learn a new language, always make sure to practice saying things in the language you’re learning. If possible, try saying things in your native tongue. You may find it helpful to create a grammar file that lists every word you learn and describes how it works. This way, you’ll be able to easily recall specific meanings and add new words as needed. Another thing you can do is be genuine with your testimonials. While it’s easy to feel pressure to tell everyone how much you love a product or service, never ever say you didn’t know there was a problem with that product or service. You never know when a new language might help you, or give you, a solution to a problem you have.

Exercising control over your vocabulary can seem like an impossible task. However, with a little effort, you can speed up your language learning and come away with much broader knowledge than you had before. This can make life easier for you.


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