Home » How to Relate with Passive-Aggressive Individuals.

How to Relate with Passive-Aggressive Individuals.

by HardeyhorlahLizzy
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Occasionally, we find ourselves exhibiting one or two of the traits of a passive-aggressive individual particularly when the situation makes it difficult for us to directly express ourselves.  While we may consider ignorance the way best solution to deal with passive aggression, it may lead to a permanent strain in our relationship and this may be unhealthy, particularly for a relationship one cherishes.

Rather, here are suggestive ways to handle the situation.

Avoid making assumptions.

Try not to assume the feeling of the person in question as this may lead to some more misunderstandings. Rather, ask them questions, politely. Questions like “Do you mind sharing with me what you feel about my suggestion?”, ” Can I ask what you think about the situation?'” and so on.  This way, you can effectively get them to open up to you.

Assure them that they are free to be more open to you.

Some people do not feel safe opening up about how they feel or what they think. Hence, it becomes important to assure them again and again that they can freely express themselves to you, whether they’re in agreement or not with you.

Since it’s difficult to get them to open up to you about what they feel, you may come up with something as: “I know you said you’re okay with the plan, but I’d also like to know what your plans would be if you have to make one”.

Be willing to explore solutions together with them

Passive-aggressive people act the way they do sometimes because they also want you to explore their options. They want to be considered relevant in the scheme of events. Not giving them the opportunity to do so, may result in withdrawal.

Hence, let them know that you’re also willing to explore their option. you could ask questions like “What do you think? or ” what would you consider doing?”. Even if they do not open up to you on this, you’d feel better knowing you considered their opinion.

Exercise Patience with them.

While trying to manage a passive-aggressive individual being patient with them is equally important. It may be difficult or frustrating at first particularly if you’re a very expressive person, but exercising patience would make a big difference.

Give them some space.

Give them space. Sometimes, passive-aggressive need their space, at least a little time to work through their feelings. once you’ve talked things through with them, let it rest until they can come to terms with their feelings.

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