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Is love enough?

by Monsurat Momoh

Ah, love😍. Who doesn’t love love? I love anything that has to do with love, relationships, friendships, love stories, and anything that has to do with love. I could spend all day, reading stories about romance or watching movies about that. It just has a way of making my heart beat faster.

And what is more alluring than these things I’ve mentioned? Watching the people around us love. Attending weddings, watching people display their affection for each other and thinking “I want that”.

It’s okay to want that. Every single person deserves love. I mean, I’ve seen lizards chase around because of love. I don’t speak their language but I’m assuming that’s it, lol.

What would people give to hear “I love you” from someone they feel the same way about? For some people, that matters the most. As it should but is that all that matters?

Love’s a very beautiful thing but Is love enough? In my opinion, there’s nothing like perfect love or a perfect relationship. Because love is such an attractive sentiment, people forget that it’s not only love that creates a relationship. There’s understanding, kindness, honesty and so much more.

People fall in love multiple times, don’t you think? In relationships, love will not always be enough which is why we shouldn’t believe everything single thing we watch on tv. That’s not all that there is to it.

Even if everyone deserves love, there will always be problems. The way they’re resolved? That’s when you understand what love really is. Love is kind, compassionate, humble, and thoughtful. Love isn’t just love, it’s related to a lot of things.

Before entering into a relationship, love’s important, of course, but always consider everything else. Because when you realize that your partner claims to love you but isn’t kind to you, is that really love?


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