Nollywood actress and outspoken body positivity activist, Monalisa Stephen, has taken a stand against critics who compare her to her colleagues, Eniola Badmus and Warri Pikin, urging them to respect her individuality and embrace her body positivity message.
In a fiery post on her Instagram page, Monalisa made it abundantly clear that she has no desire to emulate the weight loss journeys of Eniola Badmus or Warri Pikin. Refusing to succumb to societal pressures, she defiantly asserted her right to celebrate her body as it is and called out trolls to refrain from shaming her for her size.
I don’t want to be or look like Aunty Eniola Badmus or Real Warri Pikin. I don’t want to lose weight and be thin. Leave me alone with my fat body,” Monalisa boldly declared, emphasizing her commitment to self-acceptance.
She went on to challenge the narrative propagated by trolls that she harbors jealousy towards plus-size celebrities who embark on weight loss journeys. Monalisa firmly stated that she is content with her body and will not entertain any pressure to conform to society’s beauty standards.
Monalisa’s impassioned response comes amid ongoing comparisons to Eniola Badmus and Warri Pikin, both of whom have undergone significant weight loss transformations. Eniola Badmus previously underwent gastric bypass surgery in Turkey, while Warri Pikin unveiled her own transformation journey, acknowledging the challenges she faced along the way.
Despite the transformations of her peers, Monalisa remains resolute in her stance, advocating for body positivity and self-love.