Home » The Dangers Of Online Popularity

The Dangers Of Online Popularity

by Frederick Akinola
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The desperate quest for online popularity seems to have come to stay. People will do anything for clout. And when people see their peers with more followers they tend to get jealous. This has led many to take desperate measures just to get noticed. To get the attention of their peers, some people even film their foolish stunts and post them online.

People have a do-​whatever​-it​-takes attitude, thinking that if they talk, dress, or act a certain way, even online, they will become popular.  People will post highlight after highlight of their life, making it appear as if they had an endless list of close friends that they constantly spend time with. It creates an illusion of popularity. People stage photos that make it look as though they were at a party when they were really at home. How can you avoid the trap of online popularity?

Do Not Worry About Followers and Likes

It is good to be seen, true. However, the number of followers and likes you have on your personal account should not be a problem. Especially if your account is personal and not commercial. If you are marketing products then you might need to worry about likes and followers. This however should grow organically as a result of public acceptance of your content.

Remember that Social Media Never Forgets

Do not fall for the trap of posting inappropriate pictures to attract followers and gain popularity. Remember how permanent the internet is. What you post today can come back to haunt you in decades to come. It can be a tweet or a photo. It can be a post you liked. You have to be careful on the internet.

Social Media and Real life are Totally Different

Social media friends and the friends you have in real life are not the same. You need real friends. Your quest for popularity online should not make you neglect real human beings around you. Those are the people who really matter. Your family. Your friends. Also, your quest for popularity online should not affect your productivity. Try to set goals for yourself and achieve them. Stay focused on reality.

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1 comment

Akabo Evidence March 22, 2023 - 8:42 pm

This has really been helpful,God bless 🙏

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