Home » Understanding Nigeria’s Climate Diversity.

Understanding Nigeria’s Climate Diversity.

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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Nigeria is a country in West Africa, with a population of over 180 million people. While the climate of Nigeria is diverse, there are some commonalities among the different regions. Nigeria has a land mass of about 1,260,000sqk(500,000 sq mi). This makes it the world’s 90th-largest country. In this article, we’ll discuss how Nigeria’s different regions differ in terms of weather and vegetation, as well as ways to preserve them for future generations.

Nigeria’s Two Major Climates According to Regions.

Nigeria has two major climatic regions. The northern region experiences a tropical, dry climate and is basically desert land. The southern region of the country receives heavy rainfall for about 6-8 months every year (April to October).

 The Northern Region.

The northern region is the aridest region in the country and home to one of its most famous attractions: the Sahara Desert.

The climate here is hot and dry with little rainfall throughout most of its seasons. However, there are some seasonal variations depending on where you are located within Nigeria or even which part of your country you happen to be near at any given time!

The Southern Region.

The southern region of the country receives heavy rainfall for about 6-8 months every year. Rainfall is seasonal, with the heaviest amount occurring during the rainy season (June to October). The climate in Southern Nigeria is often cooler than in the Northern region.

The north and southeast regions receive between 800 and 900 mm of annual rainfall. The northeast experiences more summer rains than any other part of Nigeria due to its proximity to tropical rainforest regions in Cameroon and the Congo Basin where moist air flows from higher altitudes into these areas bringing heavy rains at times when other parts of Nigeria experience less rainfall.

Threats to Nigeria’s environment include soil erosion, deforestation, desertification, and oil pollution.

Soil erosion, deforestation and desertification are serious threats to Nigeria’s climate environment. In addition to the effects of climate change on crops and water supplies, deforestation has contributed to soil degradation by removing the vegetative cover. This makes it easier for rainwater run-off (or “litter”) to carry away soil particles as they flow over land surfaces. Subsequently taking them towards streams or rivers where they eventually make their way into large bodies of water such as lakes or oceans. Desertification refers to an area becoming less suitable for agriculture. Mostly because its soils have been lost or degraded through overgrazing by livestock herds. Unsustainable farming techniques such as excessive use of pesticides can also in some cases lead to desertification.

Nigeria’s climate is very diverse.

Nigeria’s climate is very diverse. The country has many different climates, some of which are influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, the Sahara desert, tropical rainforests and Sahel regions.

The seasons also play a role in Nigeria’s climate because it changes during each season. During wintertime (December to March), temperatures are low and nights get cold; while in summertime (April to September), temperatures tend to be higher and days can be very hot. The monsoon season runs from May through October when you may experience heavy rains or drizzle depending on where you live 

Nigeria is home to a wide variety of environments and climates, making it a perfect place for people who want to see the world. However, its rich natural resources also present some challenges for conservationists looking to protect them from excessive development or pollution.

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