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Understanding the Benefits of Reading.

by HardeyhorlahLizzy
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The statement below summarises the importance of reading and why it remains benefits individuals to heavily indulge in it. While some do not like to or enjoy reading and are unaware of its benefits.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never
reads lives only one.” George R.R. Martin

This article seeks to enlighten you on the benefits of reading as stated below:

Books Improve IMAGINATION.

Reading is one of the best ways to foster imagination. The more we read, the better we can build up and expand our knowledge. We can be open to new ideas and have an understanding of new things.

Reading helps us practice imagination by letting the words describe a certain image while the reader manipulates the picture in the mind. This practice strengthens the mind as it acts like a muscle.

Books Develop CRITICAL THINKING Skills.

Biases, selective reasoning, and distortion are impediments to critical thinking, as illustrated by Daniel Kahneman in his book; Thinking Fast and Slow. The book distils a lifetime of research on cognition and
distinguishes two modes of thought: a) emotional and instinctive, and b) logical and deliberative.

Additionally, focusing on matters of choice, and overconfidence, he showcases the vital role that critical thinking and mindfulness play in our interactions with the world. Reading indeed improves not only critical thinking but also helps in decision-making.

Books Improve your BRAIN.

The human brain is the most powerful tool you can possibly possess. Are you training and using your brain to its full potential? Reading helps to exercise the brain and helps improves cognitive abilities.

Books Reduce STRESS.

Managing anxiety and stress can be a daunting task, especially for those who do not have the skills or knowledge to understand where these emotional states are manifesting from. Anxiety and stress can interfere with an individual’s mental health and well-being.

Fortunately, education on new techniques to help combat stress and anxiety can help.

Books Improve CREATIVITY.

Improving one’s creativity skills can be challenging, but not outright impossible. Creativity is like a muscle and if you need help increasing your creativity, then books can hold the keys.

Reading can indeed improve creativity as it affords you the opportunity to build that muscle up so you can maximize your own creative potential—both personally and professionally.

Books Motivate YOU.

It is not uncommon for someone to feel demotivated from time to time. Most of us will feel this way at some point in our lives.

A lack of motivation is often an indication that you need to rest, recharge, and re-evaluate how you’re expanding your energy,”

says Aisha R. Shabazz, therapist and licensed clinical social worker who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

If you feel a lack of motivation, the good news is that there are a number of tricks you can try to get yourself back on track.

One of them is to read a motivational self-help book.

Motivational self- help books can be useful to some people because they can serve as a jump start to someone who needs inspiration to keep going,” says Shabazz.

The key is finding the right book.

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