Obinna Nwafor, popularly known as Saint Obi, a veteran Nollywood actor, passed away at the age of 57. The talented actor died on Sunday, May 7, 2023, at the home of one of his siblings in Jos, Plateau State.
According to sources, Saint Obi died after a protracted illness. However, his death was not immediately announced due to disagreements between his siblings.
The actor’s colleagues in the film industry have confirmed his passing. He was famously known for his roles in blockbuster movies such as ‘Candle Light‘ and ‘Goodbye Tomorrow‘ and has appeared in over 100 movies, including ‘Sakobi,’ ‘Festival of Fire,’ and ‘State of Emergency.’
Saint Obi’s body was deposited in the morgue at the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), where it currently rests.
The late actor had recently relocated to his sister’s home in Jos, Plateau State capital, before his death. His passing is a great loss to the Nigerian entertainment industry and he will be deeply missed.