Home » Why Your Relationship Checklist could be INEFFECTIVE.

Why Your Relationship Checklist could be INEFFECTIVE.

Getting the Best Relationships for Yourself.

by HardeyhorlahLizzy

For most ladies, when asked about the guy that meets their relationship checklist you often hear them repeat the phrase; tall dark, and handsome but beyond this superficiality is a need to take a great deal of caution in order to avoid disappointment in the relationship.

Knowing what you really want and being realistic about your expectations and wants is very crucial.  Much more than this is your ability to communicate your desire and values rationally.

Yet, there will always be room for compromises as one may not have it 100%, hence being overly reliant on your checklist may not be so realistic as you and your partner may be faced with some restrictions and may not get to freely reveal a part of yourselves or take cognisance of one another hereby being unable to tolerate each other’s differences when you begin to experience yourselves.

Moreso, the qualities that bring attraction over the years may develop into repulsion.

For instance, a guy gets attracted to a lady because she is beautiful but what becomes of their love or relationship when she begins to experience major changes brought about by motherhood? A lady falls in love with a guy because he ticks her tall, dark and handsome checklist, what happens when she discovers that he has no loyalty or a sense of responsibility? Indeed, knowing what one wants is not the same as living it.

It would also be unrealistic to completely rely on your checklist.

Thus, it is advisable to always create a checklist that can evolve for a mature and long-lasting relationship. This way, one is able to manage conflicts and marital challenges. Therefore, when you are making a checklist, seek that one person who can complement you. Make this a priority rather than the one who is simply a perfect fit for your checklist.

Does this apply to you? Do you think a long-lasting relationship is possible with a checklist? If yes, let me know what you think in the comment section.

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Leke February 16, 2023 - 10:21 pm

Succinctly stated. Most times the said checklist is built on what the media has framed our minds to want in a partner and not what we actually need, that is, what suits us. One needs to find a partner who is the best fit for one.

Adeola Adeyeye
Adeola Adeyeye March 9, 2023 - 12:04 pm

Dear Oluwaleke,
It’s always a pleasure to engage with readers who are able to also share their thoughts on articles read.
I hope you continue to find and contribute some valuable insights to articles read.
Thank you again for your comment, I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.

Adeola Adeyeye
Adeola Adeyeye March 9, 2023 - 12:04 pm

Dear Oluwaleke,
It’s always a pleasure to engage with readers who are able to also share their thoughts on articles read.
I hope you continue to find and contribute some valuable insights to articles read.
Thank you again for your comment, I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.

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