10 Ways to be Security Conscious Online.

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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maintaining security consciousness online

You probably think you’re pretty smart when it comes to conscious online security. You have a strong password, you don’t open any suspicious emails, and you never click on any dodgy links. But even the most security-savvy people can make a mistake from time to time.

In this post, we’re going to share 10 ways that you can stay safe online and keep your data protected. Read on for helpful tips that will keep you one step ahead of the bad guys!


You’re probably using easy-to-remember passwords like “password” or “1234,” and that’s making you an easy target for hackers. In fact, almost 1 in 4 people use easily guessed passwords, which leaves your online accounts vulnerable to theft. Maintaining online security consciousness starts with properly protecting your accounts.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to create stronger passwords. As well as consciously keep your information secure. Here are some hints;

  1. Use a mix of characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  2. Don’t use common words or phrases.
  3. Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts
  4. Change your passwords regularly
  5. Use a password manager to help you create and store strong passwords.

When it comes to online security, your number one conscious priority should be using two-factor authentication. This is the process of requiring two forms of identification in order to sign in e.g a password and a security code that is sent to your phone.

It may sound like a pain, but it’s a lot easier than having your entire life hacked. In fact, many websites now offer two-factor authentication as an option So next time you’re logging in make sure you enable it.

Just think of it this way, using two-factor authentication is like putting an extra lock on your door. It’s an extra barrier between you and the bad guys.


For the sake of being security conscious online, you should never share your passwords with anyone not even your best friend from high school. Why? Because people can’t be completely trusted. And if they can’t be trusted, then why would you give them access to all of your sensitive information?

Plus, if you share your passwords with others, you’re making it that much easier for them to hack into your accounts. It’s like giving a burglar the keys to your house. So instead of sharing your passwords, create unique and complex ones that are difficult to crack.


You know the saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? Well, that’s definitely true when it comes to online security consciousness. Here are ways to be more security conscious and keep your personal information and your computer safe and sound

-Make sure your software is up to date. Out-of-date software is a major security vulnerability. So make sure you’re always running the latest versions

-Use strong passwords and change them regularly. A strong password is one that’s difficult to guess, so make sure you come up with something unique and memorable. And don’t use the same password for multiple accounts!

-Stay away from public Wi-Fi networks. These are often unsecured and can be easily hacked.

-Install anti-virus software and keep it up to date. This will help protect your computer from malware and other online threats.

-Be careful what you click on. Don’t open emails or attachments from unknown senders, and be especially careful when downloading files or clicking on links.

-Use strong passwords and change them regularly. We can’t say it enough: use strong passwords and change them regularly!

-Keep your computer locked when you’re not using it. This will help protect your information from unauthorized access.

-Be careful what you share online. Don’t post personal information like your address or phone number online, and be careful about what you share on social media sites.


Let’s be honest with each other we’ve all been there. You’re minding your own business, scrolling through Facebook when bam! a link from a friend pops up that looks just too good to be true. So you click on it, and before you know it, you’ve accidentally downloaded a virus that’s stolen all of your personal information.

The next time you’re confronted with a fishy-looking link, don’t be tempted to click on it. Delete the message and move on with your life. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to recover lost data, so don’t make things harder on yourself by being careless online.


It’s time to face the facts, we’re all just one phishing attack away from being identity theft victims, And with all of the personal information we share online from our addresses to our credit card numbers, it’s no wonder that cybercrime is on the rise.

Tip number six? Use a secure browser extension.

These extensions are a great way to keep your data safe while you browse the internet. They work by encrypting your traffic, which means that even if someone does manage to steal your data, they won’t be able to read it. So go ahead and add one of these extensions to your browser.


You might be wondering, “What the hell is a VPN?” A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a service that creates a secure, encrypted connection between your computer and a VPN server.

This connection makes it difficult for anyone to track what you’re doing online or steal your information.

Sounds great, right? The thing is, not all VPNs are created equal. You need to be careful about which one you choose, as some are less secure than others. Do your research and choose a VPN that’s trustworthy and reliable.


You’re probably tired of hearing this, but using the same password for all your online accounts is a terrible idea. If one of your accounts is compromised, that password can be used to gain access to all of your other accounts.

But it’s hard to remember lots of different passwords, especially if they’re complex and unique That’s where a password manager comes in. A password manager stores all of your passwords in an encrypted database, and all you need to remember is one master password.


Phishing scams are a big problem. Hackers will often create fake emails or websites that look like they’re from a legitimate company, but in reality, they’re just trying to steal your personal information (like your passwords or credit card numbers).

So how can you tell if an email or website is a scam? Here are a few suggestions:

-Check the URL of the website. If it doesn’t start with “https://” it’s probably not legit.

-Hover over any links in the email to see where they’re really taking you.

-Don’t trust emails that ask for personal information.

-If you’re not sure whether an email is legit, call the company directly to ask.


And finally, educate yourself on cyber security(very important).

You’ve probably heard all sorts of scare stories about online security, and how your personal information is at risk every time you go online.

While it’s true that you need to be security conscious when you’re online, it’s also important to not let it get in the way of your life. You can stay safe online without living in constant fear.

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