Home » 3 Reasons Your Study Visa Could Be Rejected.

3 Reasons Your Study Visa Could Be Rejected.

by Frederick Akinola
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Many have opted to studying abroad as a pathway to migration. Thousands of Nigerians have successfully applied for study permits and subsequently gotten postgraduate work permits to work abroad after their studies.  In the same vein, thousands have also had their study visas rejected, especially to Canada, the U.S., and the United Kingdom. Visa rejection is a heartbreaking experience. How can you avoid it? Let us see some reasons why your study visa could be rejected.

Insufficient Funds

This is very crucial to your application. You cannot study abroad without proving you have enough money to pay your fees, feed yourself, pay for accommodation, pay for your trip and provide for any dependents who come alongside you. Furthermore, to prove you have enough funds you have to present proof of funds.

This can be done by presenting an authentic bank statement for a specified period of time,  6 months in most cases. You can present proof of employment, and assets you own. Also, if you have a scholarship you have to present proof, and if you have taken a loan from a bank you also present proof of that. Your sponsor can also present the foregoing on your behalf alongside an affidavit of financial support.  It is advised that your sponsor be your parent.

Purpose of Study

You are required to present a statement of purpose. This document should include the reasons why you have selected the country, university, program, and course you have chosen. Your reasons have to be as transparent and verifiable in tandem with other documents you have presented. For example, if you say you are applying to study for a master’s degree in mathematics to further your career, and you have no documents to prove you indeed have a career where mathematics can help, then that is a red flag. Also, if you have selected a program lower than your present quantification, let’s say you have a master’s degree already, and you are applying for a diploma, that is a red flag. Unless you can properly prove why you’re doing that, which is tough, so just avoid it.

Home Ties

It is required that you present proof that you will return to your home country after your studies. Therefore you need to show proof that you have ties to your home country. You can do this by presenting documents to show properties you have, a good job you won’t easily abandon, a profitable business, a wife and children as family ties you’ll be compelled to return to, or aged parents under your care. Again, your documents have to be solid. Your boss could give you study leave from your place of work. You could get documents in your name for your share of land in the village. Try to gather all the documents you can get your hands on. If you don’t have any ties to your home country, then that is a red flag.

There are a couple of other reasons why your study visa could be rejected.  However, if you have the three above, you stand a high chance of being accepted.

Good luck!

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