Home » 5 Important Things to Consider Before You Japa.

5 Important Things to Consider Before You Japa.

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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You’re fed up. You’ve had it with the pollution, the traffic, the never-ending construction, and Nigeria’s ‘wahala’. You’re ready to leave Nigeria and never look back.  Earlier on we had a heart-to-heart on the japa wave in Nigeria currently and you can find that here.

But before you pack your bags and say goodbye to your family and friends, there are a few things you need to consider. It is very easy to talk about how you want to japa and all. However, moving to a new country is a big decision, and it’s not something to take lightly.

Here are five things to think about before advancing your japa plans;

1) Language barriers

2) The cost of living

3) The climate

4) The culture shock

5) Job prospects


As you sit down to pen that carefully crafted resignation email, you might want to take a step back and consider the political climate in your country of choice.

Is it a democracy? How is the human rights record? What are the social and economic conditions like? Are people happy?

These are all important factors to consider before making such a life-changing decision. After all, you don’t want to uproot your life only to find yourself in a country that’s in the middle of a bloody civil war. So do your research, weigh your options, and – most importantly – consult with your momma. She always knows best even when she doesn’t, she’ll always have gems o advice for you.


Moving out of Nigeria is no easy decision. It’s like getting a divorce. There are a lot of things to consider before you make the big plunge. Do you want to japa only to find yourself stranded in a land with no family? NO.

For one, the cost of living in other countries is usually much higher than in Nigeria. Unless you have a trust fund or a sugar daddy, you’ll need to find a job that can support you. And even then, you may not be able to afford the lifestyle you’re currently used to.

Then there are the little things that add up; the cost of healthcare, transportation, and food can quickly drain your bank account. Before you know it, you’ve blown through your savings and are left with nothing but a suitcase and a dream.

So before you hand in your notice at work and start packing your bags, make sure you’ve considered all the implications of moving abroad. It’s not an easy decision, but it’s definitely worth thinking about.


You’ve probably been thinking about it for a while now. “Should I move to a more developed country? What are the pros and cons of doing so?” Well, we’re here to help.

Pros: You’ll have an easier time finding a job in a more developed country.

Cons: You may have to pay more taxes.

Pros: There are more opportunities to learn and grow in a more developed country.

Cons: The cost of living may be higher.

At the end of the day, only you can decide whether or not moving is the right choice for you. But we hope that our advice will help you make an informed decision.


You may be wondering if it’s safe to move out of Nigeria. The answer is yes – and no.

Yes, moving to a new country always comes with a certain amount of risk, but no, Nigeria is not as dangerous as the media sometimes makes it out to be. In fact, many people move in and out of the country without any problems at all.

That said, you should always do your research before making any final decisions. Use credible sources like the World Health Organization or the United States Department of State to get an idea of the safety and security situation in your chosen destination country.


It’s no secret that the job market in Nigeria is abysmal. So, before you make the jump and move out of the country, you’ll want to make sure that you have a solid plan in place for finding a job.

Start by doing your research. What are the job prospects in your chosen destination? Are there any industries that are thriving there? What are the average salaries for different types of jobs?

Once you have a good idea of what to expect, start networking with people who live in your new destination. Ask them for tips on how to find a job and what the job market is like. And, most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help – many people are more than happy to offer advice and guidance.

However, Here are five things to think about before moving abroad:

  1. What’s your motivation for moving?
  2. How will you support yourself financially?
  3. What will you do if things don’t work out?
  4. What’s the process for moving?
  5. How will you stay in touch with loved ones back home?

These are just a few things to consider before taking the decision and moving away from Nigeria. This is not to say you should abandon your japa plans. This is to help you make sure you’re well-informed and have a solid plan in place before making the jump. Good luck!

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