Home » 5 Simple Tips for Shopping for a Wedding Dress on a Budget

5 Simple Tips for Shopping for a Wedding Dress on a Budget

by Omolola Ajayi
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  • Buying a wedding that you can afford and you love
  • Getting the best wedding gown deal

Shopping for a wedding dress on a budget

Wedding shopping can be a real hassle especially when you are on a budget. When it comes to wedding gowns, this can be much more stressful because now you have to find a balance between what you’d really like and what you can really afford.
The truth is that no matter how beautiful a wedding dress or any other item is, you shouldn’t buy it if you can’t afford it. You shouldn’t buy any wedding dress if you’re going to run into a debt or if it’s going to cause a strain between you and your partner after the wedding.

It’s just not worth it because the truth is that there is life after the wedding day and that day is only one day in the whole of your life. However, a wedding day is a special day you really don’t plan to repeat so you should have a day in which you feel really special, if you care about that sort of stuff. If you don’t it’s great.
Back to the issue of finding a balance between a beautiful wedding gown that suits your tastes and one that you can afford, let’s just say that it is something that you can pull off and easier than you might have imagined too. Here 5 tips for shopping a wedding dress that you can afford

Go for Simple Designs

One way to cut down on the price of wedding gowns is to go for simple, well-made designs instead of the more elaborate styles that have a lot of embellishments. Those intricate designs, embellishments and add-on will add to the cost of the dress. You can choose a simpler fabric that will provide some ease on the cost of the dress.

Buy something out of the wedding category

You could actually find something that is perfectly suitable as a wedding gown but is not tagged as one. This will, in many instances, bring the price down. Sometimes, dresses that are made for use as wedding gowns become outrageously expensive without any real reason.
If you can invest the time, you’ll be surprised at what you might get and how affordable it will be.

Try upcoming designers

There many designers and dressmakers out there with a lot of genius who are making exquisite wedding dresses that come at a much cheaper price. The simple reason is that they don’t have a high demand yet and they also are looking to get their work out and get more exposure.
If you have a budget for your wedding dress, then it’s probably best to go for an upcoming designer.

Consider using a tailor

If you can get your dress custom-made with a local tailor whose abilities you can vouch for, then why not? This will certainly be less expensive that those ready-to-wear, designer dresses.
You can bring him/her a copy of the style you have in mind or both of you can even work together to create something you would like. If your tastes go in the line of more simple and minimalist designs, a tailor might be a really good idea even when you can afford to spend extra. Why spend more if you can spend less and get good quality?

Try Second-Hand Dresses

If you really want something with a designer label, with exquisite design and quality but you can’t afford the price you’re getting at all the wedding stores, one other option might be to try a second-hand shop, that is, if you don’t mind.
Many of those second-hand shops have a lot of unique gowns that you might not be able to get anywhere else.

Consider Borrowing or Renting

If you can’t afford to buy the kinds of gowns you like or you can’t afford to buy a wedding gown at all, then renting one is a good option.
If you have anyone around you whom you can borrow a wedding dress from, then do it if you are cool with that.
If your mum, mother-in-law to be, or any other friends or relatives are offering you a wedding dress heirloom, you should at least look into it if it might be something you could wear or adjust to your tastes. Again, this is totally dependent on what you’re comfortable with.
If you feel miserable about it or you feel like that waters down your special day then stick to any of the other options above that you are comfortable with. A wedding day is a special day and you deserve to feel special.

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