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Contentment: A Key To Staying Happy

by Frederick Akinola
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A lot of people believe that assets and wealth can make you truly happy.  Driven by that view, millions work long, exhausting hours to make more money. But do money and possessions bring lasting happiness? No, they do not. No one is ever satisfied with money. You will always want more, and more. But contentment can bring happiness.

Contentment is being satisfied with what you have. That means you are not anxious and desperate for more. Now, this does not mean a person should be complacent and happy to be poor. It simply means if you have your basic needs taken care of, you can be satisfied with that. People who are content are not disposed to complain or grumble, and their attitude protects them against envy. And because their desires do not exceed their means, they spare themselves needless anxiety and stress.

Keys to Contentment
Work Hard

A person who works hard is happy because he is able to provide for himself and his family. He may even be able to help someone in need. His employer will value him too. So a good worker is more likely to keep his job. If you run a business, give it your very best. You cannot be content when you have nothing at all. You need to have something to be content with. Working hard can provide that. Be honest with your work: do not cheat or have bad debt. If we are honest, we have self-respect, we enjoy inner peace, and we sleep better at night. Additionally, others will trust and respect us. Dishonest people rob themselves of those good things. Also, their conscience may trouble them, and they may live with the fear of one day getting caught for their dishonesty.

Have a Balanced View of Money

We need money for food and other necessities. However, “the love of money” is very dangerous. It can cause a person to use most of his time and energy striving to make more money. This quest for money can put a strain on his marriage, rob him of time with his children, and even harm his health.

Many  people work hard to obtain an extensive education as well as wealth and fame. Yet, they still struggle to find lasting happiness​—even after achieving their goals. Contentment will help you to stay truly happy, and reduce the stress that comes from being anxious to want so much more.

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