Home » Am I Ready to Leave Home?

Am I Ready to Leave Home?

by Frederick Akinola
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As a young person, you will always get to a point in your life where you have a compulsive desire to move out of your parent’s house. Long before you’re ready to leave home, you may begin to feel a desire for independence. That feeling is normal. But how can you know when you’re truly ready to leave home? Consider three important questions you need to answer.

What Are My Motives?

Look at the list below. Number in order of importance the reasons why you want to leave home.

  1. Escape problems at home
  2. Gain more freedom
  3. Improve my status with my friends
  4. Gain experience
  5. Ease the financial burden on my parents
  6. Other ․․․․․

The reasons listed above are not necessarily bad. The question is, What is your motive? For example, if you leave just to escape restrictions, you’re likely in for a shock! Don’t allow others to rush you into a decision. Even if you have valid reasons for leaving home, you’ll need more than good intentions. You’ll need survival skills​—which leads to the second question.

Am I Prepared?

Moving out on your own is like hiking in the wilderness. T help you determine whether you’re prepared to step out on your own, access yourself honestly. You can do this by checking if you possess the following skills:

  1. Money Management
  2. Domestic Skills
  3. Social Skills
Where Am I Headed?

Do you want to leave home to get away from problems? Or to break free from parental authority? If so, your focus is on what you’re leaving, not on where you’re going. ? Don’t just concentrate on moving away from home​—have your eyes fixed on a worthwhile goal.  The real question is not Am I ready to leave home? but Am I ready to manage my own household? If the answer to that latter question is yes, then you may well be ready to strike out on your own.

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1 comment

Paulinus favour February 19, 2023 - 6:06 pm

Nice thread.

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