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Best Way to Prepare for Exams.

by Frederick Akinola
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Preparing for an exam can be very strenuous and the very idea of writing an exam could cause you anxiety. It could stress you out. But it really shouldn’t. If you do things right you could become so confident that you’re looking forward to the examination, because of how thoroughly prepared you are. Let’s see a few things you should do if you have an exam to write.

Gather all the Materials You Need

Depending on the kind of exam you are writing, you will need to get the right materials first so you can study. Every course has a syllable which serves as the scope from which your questions will be set. Therefore it’s good to have all the information within that scope of knowledge. This could require some effort in some cases, getting textbooks together and other reference material. Once this is done, the next step is very important.

Prepare a Study Schedule

It requires a high level of discipline to study consistently. And without consistent and systematic study, one cannot be ready for exams. You should begin preparing for the examination months in advance. In fact, for some exams, you should prepare years in advance. Imagine you have to read a 300-page textbook cover to cover. If you read 3 pages a day, that will take you 100 days. And you might not be reading for just one subject. Therefore a person needs a carefully mapped out schedule and the discipline to abide by it.

Try Study Groups

When you have a study group, you can sit together and discuss what you have all studied. This helps to keep things stuck in your memory. You don’t necessarily need to read together. But you can get together and discuss and debate. This will help keep you in the right mental shape for the exams.

Avoid Distraction

This is the most important point. Distractions will come in different shapes and forms. Your ability to swat them aside and stick to your study routine is key to your success.

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