Home » BBNaija’s Cross Sets the Record Straight on Ile Baye Kiss and Reveals Evolving Relationship with Kim Oprah

BBNaija’s Cross Sets the Record Straight on Ile Baye Kiss and Reveals Evolving Relationship with Kim Oprah

by Adeola Adeyeye
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In an exclusive interview with Pulse One on One, featuring Christy O, Cross, a former Big Brother Naija housemate, spilled the beans on some intriguing aspects of his time in the house, including the much-talked-about kiss with Ile Baye and the dynamics of his relationship with Kim Oprah.

Cross clarified that the kiss he shared with Ile Baye in the Big Brother house was purely for fun and held no romantic significance. This aligns with Ile Baye’s previous statements, emphasizing that the kiss was a playful moment devoid of serious intent.

The interview also delved into Cross’s relationship with fellow housemate Kim Oprah. Initially, Cross asserted that they were just friends, having known each other before entering the Big Brother house. He explained that the familiarity provided a sense of comfort. However, as their time in the house progressed, Cross admitted that he began to see desirable qualities in Kim, leading to a shift in their relationship from friendship to something more.

In a previous interview between Cross and Pere, Kim’s role in their relationship was discussed. Pere clarified that Kim played a positive role in mending their relationship, contrary to initial concerns that she might cause a rift between the two. Instead, she contributed to bringing them closer.

Additionally, Soma, Angel’s current boyfriend, shared advice he received from Cross during their time in the Big Brother house. Cross apparently warned Soma against getting too entangled in a romantic relationship with Angel, citing potential stress. Despite the warning, Soma chose to follow his heart and pursue his connection with Angel.

This interview provides fans with fresh insights into Cross’s experiences and relationships during his stint in the Big Brother Naija house.

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