Home » Expert Advice: Things You Must Never Do Around a Newborn

Expert Advice: Things You Must Never Do Around a Newborn

by Frederick Akinola

Welcoming a newborn into your life is a time filled with joy and excitement. However, it also comes with a great deal of responsibility. Newborns are incredibly fragile, and their health and safety should be a top priority for everyone around them. Experts emphasize that certain actions can put a newborn at risk, and it’s essential to be aware of what to avoid. Here are the key things you must never do around a newborn, according to experts.

1. Never Skip Handwashing

One of the most important rules around a newborn is maintaining proper hygiene, especially handwashing. A newborn’s immune system is still developing, making them vulnerable to infections. Always wash your hands with soap and water before handling the baby. If soap and water aren’t available, use hand sanitizer. This simple practice can prevent the spread of germs that can cause serious illnesses in newborns, such as colds, flu, or even more severe infections like RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus).

2. Never Smoke or Allow Secondhand Smoke Exposure

Exposure to tobacco smoke is extremely harmful to newborns. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), secondhand smoke increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), respiratory infections, and asthma. Never smoke around a newborn, and ensure that anyone who handles the baby is smoke-free. This includes avoiding areas where people have recently smoked, as thirdhand smoke (residue from smoke on clothing, hair, and surfaces) can also pose risks to the baby’s health.

3. Never Co-Sleep on a Couch or Soft Surface

While co-sleeping is a common practice in many cultures, experts strongly advise against co-sleeping on couches, armchairs, or any soft surfaces. These areas increase the risk of suffocation or accidental injury. If you choose to co-sleep, ensure it’s done safely—on a firm mattress, with no loose bedding or pillows, and with the baby placed on their back. Alternatively, using a bassinet or crib in the same room as the parents is recommended to reduce the risk of SIDS while keeping the baby close.

4. Never Ignore Car Seat Safety

Car seat safety is non-negotiable when it comes to newborns. Always use a rear-facing car seat that’s appropriate for the baby’s size and weight. Ensure the car seat is installed correctly, and never place the baby in the front seat, as airbags can be fatal to infants. Additionally, never leave a newborn in a car seat unattended, especially outside the car. The seat should only be used for travel, not as a substitute for a crib or bassinet, to avoid positional asphyxia—a condition where a baby’s airway becomes blocked due to their position.

5. Never Leave a Newborn Unattended on Elevated Surfaces

Even though newborns can’t roll over yet, they can still move unexpectedly. Leaving a baby unattended on an elevated surface, such as a changing table, bed, or couch, is extremely dangerous. A sudden movement could cause them to fall, leading to serious injuries. Always keep one hand on the baby when they’re on an elevated surface or place them in a safe space like a crib or bassinet if you need to step away.

6. Never Overheat the Baby

Keeping a newborn comfortable is important, but overheating is a serious risk factor for SIDS. Experts recommend dressing the baby in light, breathable clothing and keeping the room at a comfortable temperature (around 68-72°F or 20-22°C). Avoid using heavy blankets or overdressing the baby. A good rule of thumb is to dress the baby in one more layer than what an adult would be comfortable wearing in the same environment.

7. Never Ignore Signs of Illness

Newborns can’t express how they’re feeling, so it’s crucial to be vigilant for any signs of illness. Symptoms like a fever, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, or feeding issues should never be ignored. If you notice anything unusual, it’s better to consult a pediatrician immediately. Delaying medical attention can lead to complications, as newborns are more susceptible to severe outcomes from infections and illnesses.

8. Never Let Strangers or Sick Individuals Hold the Baby

As much as friends and family may want to hold the newborn, it’s important to be cautious. Never allow strangers or individuals who are sick to handle the baby. Newborns have weak immune systems, and exposure to germs can lead to infections. Politely explain that the baby’s health is a priority and that holding them should be limited to healthy individuals who have washed their hands.

9. Never Use Harsh Cleaning Products Around the Baby

Strong chemicals and cleaning products can irritate a newborn’s sensitive skin and respiratory system. Experts recommend using mild, baby-safe cleaning products in areas where the baby will be, such as their nursery or play area. Additionally, avoid spraying air fresheners or using scented candles, as these can release harmful chemicals into the air that are dangerous for the baby to inhale.


Newborns require an environment that prioritizes their safety and well-being. By avoiding these actions, you help protect the baby from potential dangers and contribute to their healthy development. Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to a newborn’s health. Following expert advice ensures that you’re providing the safest and most nurturing environment possible for the newest member of your family.

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