Home » How To Learn From Your Mistakes

How To Learn From Your Mistakes

by Frederick Akinola
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We all make mistakes. There’s no one who hasn’t ever made a mistake. When you do, you tend to become disappointed and terrible about yourself. But mistakes are not necessarily a bad thing. They can be painful, yes. But we can also learn from them and become better. You can turn your mistakes into lessons. Let’s see how.

Acknowledge Your Mistake

The first thing to do is acknowledge your mistakes. Do not try to make excuses or blame others for the mistakes you have made. For example, you took a wrong turn while driving. You need to take responsibility. Take the blame. Don’t blame google Maps or those in the car with you. That’s the only way you can learn if you accept that you made an error in the first place.

Analyse The Situation

After making a misstep, you need to sit down and introspect. Ask yourself pertinent questions. Especially if it is a costly mistake. Review what went wrong, to understand and learn from your mistake. When we don’t learn from our mistakes, we inflict unnecessary stress on ourselves and on others, and we risk losing people’s confidence and trust in us. Therefore it is very important to analyse the situation so it doesn’t happen again. In doing so, tell yourself the truth, don’t deceive yourself. Be realistic. Ask yourself the following questions: What was I trying to do? What went wrong? When did it go wrong? Why did it go wrong?

Ask For Help

There’s no shame in asking for help with something you haven’t gotten the hang of yet. Putting your ego aside and learning from someone who has more experience than you is a great way to improve, especially if you find yourself in a rut and don’t know how to proceed.

Put Lessons Learned Into Practice

Acting on what you’ve learned will require discipline and motivation. After some time, review your progress. If you make the same mistake again don’t fight yourself. You’ll eventually get things right.


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