Home » Nollywood Star Wumi Toriola Extends Helping Hand to Parents Struggling with School Resumption Expenses

Nollywood Star Wumi Toriola Extends Helping Hand to Parents Struggling with School Resumption Expenses

by Adeola Adeyeye
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In the midst of economic challenges, Nollywood luminary Wumi Toriola has emerged as a beacon of compassion, reaching out to parents in anticipation of the upcoming school resumption.

With the weight of escalating fuel prices and the daily surge in essential commodities and transportation costs, many citizens find themselves grappling with financial strain. Despite these hardships, parents across the country remain resolute in their determination to provide an education for their children, gearing up for the impending school term set to begin in September.

Recognizing the financial burden that this endeavour entails, Wumi Toriola has demonstrated her unwavering support by pledging assistance to a select group of her devoted fans who are parents. The esteemed Yoruba actress has announced her intent to contribute to the back-to-school expenses of 10 fortunate individuals.

With a generous heart, Wumi Toriola has committed to gifting each of the 10 chosen recipients with 30,000 Naira. This benevolent act comes on the heels of a previous gesture where she provided a substantial sum of 50,000 Naira each to 2 to 3 individuals in the last term.

In a heartfelt statement, Wumi Toriola shared,

I understand the apprehension surrounding school fees payment. While this contribution may not cover all expenses, it is a modest form of support from me to you. Rest assured that these funds are being given to those truly in need, as the selection process will be random. If you also wish to participate in this cause, you can extend your blessings from the comments section.”

Witnessing her altruism, scores of her devoted fans inundated her comment section with admiration for her considerate and magnanimous gesture.

This latest act of kindness comes as no surprise, considering Wumi Toriola’s history of philanthropic endeavors. Just this past July, she chose to celebrate her birthday by spending time with the less privileged, showcasing her commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of those less fortunate.

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