Home » Tolerating people

Tolerating people

by Monsurat Momoh
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Tolerating people is not a very easy thing to do. It’s very easy to think and say “I’m very tolerant” but it’s not just about thinking or saying it. You cannot live away from people and think “oh, boy am I tolerant”. Because we get to know how tolerant we are through our experiences with people.

Accepting that people have different views and opinions about so many things can be quite hard. That’s still learnings tolerance. Even after wrapping it around your head that people can and should have different opinions, you’ll hear some of them and you’d be dazed.

Tolerance is a skill that brings about peace, harmony and even respect in our lives and others surrounding us.

There are occasions when you may find it difficult to put up with someone’s remarks or actions. Avoid turning it into a personal conflict by attempting to comprehend each person’s perspective.

can strive to adopt a more tolerant mindset by getting to know other people, gaining self-assurance, and coming to value diversity.

Most people struggle with showing others tolerance.
Everyone in a living, breathing society continually learns about and adjusts to one another; it is inevitable.

But developing a spirit of tolerance can transform your life in unimaginable ways, bringing healing and purpose.

If you’re wondering if you’re a tolerant person, here are a few questions to help you out.
  • How long can you tolerate the disruptions that other people cause you?
  • Are you able to carry it out with confidence and assurance?
  • Do you prefer apathy, ignoring the other person or circumstance?
  • What do you do if the behaviour is unlikely to change?

The ability to coexist peacefully is made possible through tolerance. It serves as the cornerstone of a just society where everyone is free to live their lives as they like.

How about practising tolerance today?

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