Home » Want a Modest Wedding Ceremony? Try these Tips

Want a Modest Wedding Ceremony? Try these Tips

by Omolola Ajayi
  • 4 things that will go a long way for cheaper wedding
  • Have your ceremony without any money worry

4 Tips to Help You Make a Modest Wedding Ceremony

For most people, getting married comes with a lot of worry, particularly, financial worry. From the venue to the food, to decorations and the wedding cake, most of these things certainly don’t come cheap, especially if you like really nice things. If you add the cost for nice wedding outfits and accessories plus rings, it usually amounts to a fortune.

This is why a lot of couples who are ready to make a life together find themselves waiting and waiting just to create the wedding of their dreams or even just a decent wedding. To be honest, this is quite unnecessary as a wedding is meant to usher couples into a long journey of marriage and that journey should not start with avoidable anxiety and financial burden.
If you don’t want to splurge on a lavish wedding, it’s perfectly okay; you certainly shouldn’t spend money you don’t have. It’s an unreasonable waste. A wedding should be about two people who love themselves and have committed to build a life together. That should be the focus and nothing else should take pre-eminence over that. So whether you’re getting married in a small or big way, it’s worth all the joy if you’re doing it with the right person. You shouldn’t have to wait endlessly to share a love you already have because of money you don’t have to spend on things that, in the larger picture, are inconsequential.
And guess what? Even if you have money and you don’t want to spend it on a wedding that is extra, you are 100% correct. There’s so much good you can do with that extra change.
Here are 4 tips for a nice wedding that won’t break the bank:

Make a commitment not to spend too much on a venue

One of the things that gulp money for wedding ceremonies is the wedding and/or the reception venue. As a couple, you need to commit to spending as minimally as possible on the wedding/reception venue. Why waste money on a space that you only get to use for a few hours especially if it will tell on your finances or wedding budget.
To achieve things, there are a lot of creative things you can do; if you have people who are offering to support you for your wedding, you can ask them to pay for a venue of your choice as a gift. If you know any friends or family that own a space that can work, ask them for the favour of using the space. Another thing is to go for open spaces like parks and gardens; they usually cost less than event halls; trying booking a public park or garden. You can also use a house or business premises with a large space that you can decorate and glam up especially if you can get it for free.
The truth is that there a lot of spaces that you can use for a wedding reception for free or at very low cost that a lot of people don’t pay attention to. But once you commit to a limit of how much you’re willing to spend on a venue, you’ll even come up with more creative ideas.

Don’t be dragged down by food and drink costs

Another major thing that steals money in weddings is food and drinks. If you want to save costs, work on this and you will free up a sizeable amount of extra cash for yourself.
Consider serving only one dish; make sure that it is of a good standard. Also you can even completely omit a proper meal and only serve finger foods or small chops. Another thing to do is tweak the portion sizes of your dishes; keep it small. However, If you do this, make sure that the reception doesn’t drag on for too long because when guests stay longer, they will want to eat and drink more.
Another thing you can do is serve dishes of food that are in season or cheaper. For example if serving rice will be expensive for you, you could go for another dish that has a wide appeal and is cheaper to buy in that season.

Streamline your guest list

The truth is that the number of guests you invite to your wedding goes a long way in determining what you spend on venue, on food and drinks among other things. So if you can bring it down to the minimum, you are likely to save much more.
Also if you keep your wedding invitation to close friends and family, they are more likely to understand your wish not to spend too much.
Please note that one of the people you have to convince for this to work are your parents and family members. Let them know clearly that they can only invite the number of people you permit them to. Be firm and don’t let them derail you with promises of helping you financially or with the planning. If they have money to give you, they should give it to you without the condition of getting to invite more people. Tell them they’ll be supporting you best if they respect your wishes.

Have a plan for all the money you won’t be spending

Attach certain goals to the money you’re determined not to spend on lavish wedding like an investment plan or for important household items and electronics. Having such a picture will often help you to be firmer in your refusal to go overboard.
Also, it will help you to make a stronger argument to those parents, family and friends who will tell you you’re not “celebrating your big day enough”. You will certainly have people like that and it helps to have an argument that shows them what you alternatively want to spend the saved money on. Not that it’s really any of their business but can you tell them that?
Besides these tips, there are so many other ways you can save costs on your wedding. You can share any other ideas you have with us in the comments section. Make sure you are focused, thorough and firm.

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Akpanke September 29, 2022 - 2:02 pm

Well scripted but only few women would accept to this.
As many will want their wedding to be a talk of the town.

IQ Brain Blitz October 1, 2022 - 10:05 am

Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you penning this post
and also the rest of the site is also really good.

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