Home » 4 Reasons Why You Should Smile More.

4 Reasons Why You Should Smile More.

by Frederick Akinola
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A smile is one of the most powerful gifts we have as humans.  It is powerful. It has the ability to improve our mood, reduce stress, and even make us live longer lives. Let us see a few ways it can be of benefit to us.

Affects Those  Around Us

One important reason for smiling is the positive effect it has on others. A sincere smile communicates our feelings without the need for words, whether it is in greeting, sympathy, or of encouragement. Occasionally, just looking at a child’s appealing little laugh in a photograph can bring a smile to our lips. Receiving a warm smile can help us to feel more relaxed and to cope better with frustration or challenges.

It Can Help You Build Trust

It can also increase the trust that people feel towards us. For example, If a trader has a smile on his face he will attract more customers than having a straight face. It can diminish negativity, revitalise and boost your productivity. Studies have proved that a few minutes of laughter motivates people to work harder and can even enhance creativity.

It Makes You More Attractive

Smiling makes you more attractive. That little laugh can add light to your eyes and make you more good-looking. When you wear it, you are sure to look more attractive and approachable to the next person. It helps you appear more sincere and sociable. It can make you more productive and approachable.

Smiling Can Reduce Stress

Smiling not only helps you to look better but feel better too. It releases endorphins, which can help to lift your mood and reduce stress. One study looked at the effect of laughter on our response to stress and found that volunteers who smiled while carrying out a stressful task had a lower heart rate afterwards. Best of all, your brain doesn’t know if you’re sporting a fake or a real one – so even a forced laugh can help you to relax.

Remember that it is contagious. When you smile it can also have an effect on others.

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