Advantages of Living in a Shared Apartment

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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Living in one big house all by yourself can be very overwhelming and boring. It is for this reason that a lot of people usually have friends squatting with them or living with them as roommates. You can have a shared room or a shared apartment depending on the size of your house and how many rooms it has.

Sharing an apartment has really good benefits and these benefits we will be sharing with you.

  • BILLS.

Whoever came up with the idea of paying for electricity, water and other utility bills must have been a real sadist because I am yet to understand why you will be deducting substantial amounts from my ridiculously small earnings.

However, having a room/housemate eases the stress of these bills as you both can come to an agreement as pertains to rent and other utility bills. This is honestly good news for your limited income especially I you’re a young adult just starting life.

  • FOOD.

Imagine having to wake up early in the morning and still have to get back late in the evening to prepare your own dinner. Even if your roommate doesn’t contribute significantly to the bills, they can be very helpful when it comes to matters concerning the stomach. Having a good cook by your side is a great bonus and no one with proper African home training would cook without considering those he lives with. So in essence, roommate=more assured dinner.

If they can’t cook, it’s still no biggie. Having a shared apartment basically translates to having someone else to split with. So buying food from Iya Basira is cheaper because you’re buying more.


Imagine waking up and sleeping in a big house all by yourself, terrifying right? Imagine having to watch Chelsea play United without having someone to talk to about why Havertz is such a rubbish player.

Human beings are social animals and loneliness is one of the deadliest human diseases, says me o.  It’s no wonder that many single people invite friends to live with them so that they can always have someone to keep them company and talk to. Having someone you can pour out your feelings to after a long day at work is stress relief and beneficial for healthy living. Even if you’re not the type to talk, living in a shared apartment gives a sense o security. Sometimes, you just need to know there’s someone else in the house with you. 

That being said, when considering shared apartment choices, take into account your room/housemate’s tendencies.

  •  Security

 “Oh I forgot my keys at the office”. This has to be one of the most annoying things ever. Enduring the brutality of Naija traffic Only to get home without being able to unlock your door. If you were in a shared apartment, things would have been much different.

Having a room/housemate provides security in many ways. Let’s say you have a package to be delivered to you, you could arrange for it to be delivered when your roomie is around and get your roommate to sign it for you and receive it on your behalf. Additionally, if you got a carpenter or a plumber coming around for repairs, you both can arrange for a date when you know one of you will be around to inspect their work and prevent them from getting any funny ideas.

Why are you still living in that empty house when you could have a shared apartment? Go get yourself a roommate ASAP.

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