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Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities

by Frederick Akinola
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Nigeria is home to several universities offering prospective students various courses. Because we have so many courses, it can be difficult for a student to choose a course of study. It can be a daunting task, as there are several factors to consider, such as personal interests, career goals, and the job market. Let us discuss the best courses to study in Nigerian universities, considering the current job market and the potential for career growth.

Medicine and Surgery (and other Health-Related Courses)

Medicine and Surgery remain one of the best courses to study in Nigerian universities. The demand for qualified medical professionals in Nigeria is high, and the healthcare sector is constantly expanding. Medical professionals are needed in hospitals, clinics, research institutions and other related fields, especially now that doctors are leaving the country in droves.

Doctors are a need globally, so even if you are not appreciated at home in Nigeria, you will be sought after in other countries, which is a plus. The course can be rigorous, but the benefits of studying medicine and Surgery are numerous. Graduates of this course are guaranteed job security, high salaries, and the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others. It is important to note that the income associated with medicine is not as much as some people imagine compared to the amount of time and volume of work you have to do as a doctor.


Nursing is another globally essential course to study. The demand for nurses continues to increase worldwide, and it is a career that offers good pay. Compared to the expenses of pursuing nursing qualifications in other countries, studying Nursing in Nigeria is affordable because tuition fees are usually subsidized, especially in government-owned institutions, and scholarships are available through various organizations in the country. Additionally, nurses often have job security since losing employment is rare and usually voluntary.


Law is another course that is highly sought after in Nigerian universities. The legal profession is prestigious, and the demand for qualified lawyers is high. Law graduates can work as legal practitioners in law firms, government agencies, and other fields. They can also pursue careers in academia, research, and politics. The course can be challenging, but the potential for career growth and success is significant. Worthy of note is that you study the course for a long time; there is stress, expense and time. Most lawyers don’t make big money, and anxiety, depression, and alcoholism are rampant.


Engineering is a course that is in high demand in Nigeria. The country is in dire need of qualified engineers, and the job market is constantly expanding. Graduates of this course can work in several fields, such as oil and gas, construction, telecommunications, and transportation. They can also pursue careers in research and academia. The course can be challenging, but the potential for career growth and success is significant. You can study various branches of engineering in Nigeria: Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, and so on.

Computer Science

Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, and the demand for qualified computer scientists is high. Computer science graduates can work in several fields, such as software development, cyber-security, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. Computer science is constantly evolving, and there is always a need for innovations and solutions. In addition, it’s virtually impossible to run a modern business without utilizing computer-driven technology, which is one of the many reasons why people consider computer science so important.


Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions about a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities. Accounting is a course that is highly sought after in Nigerian universities. Graduates of this course can work in several fields, such as accounting firms, financial institutions, and government agencies. However, it’s crucial to understand that accountants are not always well-paid, contrary to popular belief. Moreover, if an accountant is not careful, they may be required to repay the money they can’t account for, mainly if they work for a bank.

Business Administration

Business administration is a broad field that covers other areas, such as accounting, finance, marketing, and managerial studies. Administrators have different job roles, so their job descriptions differ with their organization or business. Graduates of this course can work in several fields, such as finance, banking, marketing, and human resources. They can also pursue careers in research and academia. And if you are a business owner, you need the skills of a business administrator. Even though you do not find a job, your knowledge of business administration will be critical to your survival as an entrepreneur.

In conclusion, the best courses to study in Nigerian universities are Medicine and Surgery, medical-related courses, nursing, engineering, computer science, accounting, and business administration. Therefore, evaluating your ability to thrive in these departments is essential before choosing for yourself.

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